
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 ...150

The least we could have

... iven this city apart as politicking and vested interests have rendered reconciliation nigh-impossible; a crisis propelled by ossified governance, amplified by socioeconomic divisions and inequalities ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-18


... unist-run city)。姑勿論「卸任在即」的肥仔奧有何政治盤算,但的而且確,近日愈來愈多外國投資者質疑 ...全文


The future of retail relies on smart logistics

... ast-paced city like Hong Kong, customers have rising expectations for the ease and speed of their shopping journey. According to Pickupp’s data, there has been a 39.7% increase in same-day delivery de ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-15


... rk,直譯都會,猶如City University直譯城市。據校方說,有與時並進含意。殊不知,都會一詞已不時髦 ...全文


Better city planning for tackling ageing problem in GBA

... t growing city in the United States is a good example in applying GIS for balancing diversified needs. With a number of technology companies, such as Amazon, in the area, employment increased by 30% o ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-14

HK:Foreign firms’ concern about judicial independence, stability

Foreign companies in Hong Kong are concerned about the city’s judicial independence and political stability but do not plan to leave. Those were the main findings of an official survey conducted betwe ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-14

甲骨文遷移總部 由矽谷改為得州

... 城(Redwood City),被視為矽谷成功故事之一。 較早時,美國電動車巨擘特斯拉行政總裁馬斯克決定遷至得 ...全文


反擊美插手港務 人大:將對等制裁
拜登國安顧問首開腔 關注拘禁民主派

... unist-run city),美國政府已幾乎把香港等同於中國,認為全世界及商業社會亦應以這種身份對待香港。 ...全文


Can Joe Biden’s America be trusted?

...  New York City real estate and reality television, where outrageous statements hold the media’s attention and help you control the agenda. In contrast, Biden is a well-vetted politician with long expe ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-07

Thorough planning needed to make “one zone, two parks” a success

...  years in city planning. A thriving community is expected to have, in addition to office buildings, housing, transportation, logistics, international school, medical, community facilities and other su ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-30


... 城內店(inner-city)特別感到威脅。 HDE董事總經理Stefan Genth表示,11及12月是零售 ...全文


Public-private partnership facilitates smart city development

Smart City Consortium (SCC), which I founded and serve as the Honorary President, has recently published a survey report the Future Hong Kong 2030 to discuss how to promote the development of smart ci ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-27

Hong Kong people become experts in UK property market

... July, the city’s residents have been bombarded with advertisements for these properties and seminars explaining how to buy them. Agents have held sales exhibitions in Hong Kong hotels, especially help ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-26

The implications of 5G for the technology landscape in Hong Kong

... and smart city applications, and various mobile phone giants also start featuring their product by including support for 5G cellular networks. This will also result in a disruption in how the software ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-26

建大灣區金融中心 明日大嶼事在必成

... 倫敦金融城(The City of London)及紐約曼哈頓中心(Downtown Manhattan)不相 ...全文


Hong Kong people become experts in UK property market

... July, the city's residents have been bombarded with adv ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2020年11月26日

Celebrating for Thanksgiving 2020

... e in this city since summer under the political climate but luckily it is not a dead end. Thankfully, Britain offers right of abode for those who choose to live there, and perhaps more countries will ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-25


... 不明 包括主婦外傭 City'super在Facebook專頁公布,沙田新城市廣場分店員工初步確診,該店已安排 ...全文


航運業回暖 招商局港口逆勢增長

... (Park)+城市(City)的營運模式,以增強整體競爭力及盈利能力,並積極探索「一帶一路」沿線國家PPC綜合 ...全文



連鎖超市city'super表示,接獲衞生防護中心通知,新城市廣場分店一名員工昨日(23日)初步確診,為保障員 ...全文


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