都市人生活繁忙,不少會選擇上網交友,惟大家往往只聯想到結識異性,甚至會有一些交友陷阱,這視乎個人心態;我是張天 ...全文
... 伙,租客包括留學生、港漂、外籍年輕專業人士和少量港人等。項目亦提倡「共居生活」概念,設有共享大廳予住客交流,提 ...全文
... 洪灝2012年選擇「港漂」加盟交銀國際,進入本港投資界的視野,去年A股一役令他聲名大噪,此後他所發表的報告在財 ...全文
... 有許多從內地來港的「港漂族」,一踢便是10年,落地生根,當中或曾想過轉會,但最終還是留下來,可見對傑志的認可。 ...全文
... ang piao (港漂,literally “floating to Hong Kong”, a term that refers to mainlanders who come to the city to work or study), renting a room or even a bedspace from the website is more affordable than a s ...More
EJ Insight2015-07-23
The number of gang piao (港漂,literally "floating to Hong Kong", the term refers to mainlanders who come to the city to work or study) has been steadily increasing over the years. There are probably mo ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-06
... piaoquan (港漂圈) - a public Sina Weibo account also set up by mainlanders – about why he chose to stay. He noted that every once in a while he will hear that some of his classmates or acquaintances are ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-06