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在今年1月底以前,很難想像現時自己每天最關心的是COVID-19!這次世紀大疫情影響之深與廣已遍及地球上每一個 ...全文


How geospatial information helps COVID-19 epidemic research

It is worrying that the source of many cases in the third wave of COVID-19 infections in Hong Kong recently cannot be traced. Therefore, I am glad to know that the Hong Kong Polytechnic University has ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-27


... 019年及新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫情期間,亞馬遜砍伐速度達到了令人警惕的水平,全球氣候平衡的重大系統性風 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年08月26日

A tale of two crises: Covid-19 and plastic waste

When the Covid-19 started to hit the world early this year forcing many places to lock down, conservationists saw it an opportunity for the chronically ill earth to take a rest. For example, the NASA ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-26


最近幾個手機群組都出現同一條關於「COVID-19追蹤器」的訊息,內容大致是:我們的手機已經「被秘密插入」一個 ...全文


Three ideas for investors seeking diversification and growth

... caused by Covid-19. As alternative loan providers, private lenders can help make capital available when it otherwise might not be, while enabling end investors to support sustainable and inclusive gro ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-25

Lenovo: From a hardware supplier to an IT solution provider

... efore the COVID-19 outbreak, we already started this 'service-led transformation’ journey, from being a supplier of data centre hardware to software and IT solutions,” said Yu, “as our customers are m ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-25


COVID-19橫掃全球,人類傷亡慘重,疫苗未有,何來希望的曙光?香港是個外向型的經濟體,就算防疫成績能媲美澳 ...全文


The dark heart of gold

... nt of the COVID-19 pandemic. The end of the dollar’s preeminence has been prematurely declared many times, and no obvious challenger has yet emerged. The world’s second most important currency, the eu ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-24

Stimulating Brazil’s bioeconomy

... e current COVID-19 pandemic, a major systemic risk to the global climate balance is becoming clear. To understand the history of Brazil’s agrarian development and the country’s prospects of establishi ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-24

疫情下總統選舉 誰執牛耳

... ,無獨有偶,世紀疫症COVID-19,成為今屆大選重要分水嶺。特朗普原本打經濟牌,以「讓美國繼續強大」(Kee ...全文



許多發展中國家避免了COVID-19的高傳染率和致死率,但這些國家即將遭到最嚴重的經濟打擊。世界銀行估算,有多 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Simon Zadek2020年08月24日


... 士,有4個的士司機對COVID-19呈陽性反應……」 不斷刷牙洗手 他呆站浴缸看着花灑噴出的水,控制不了地從頭 ...全文



... 為美中戰略競爭中心,COVID-19使這些競爭更尖銳,增加軍事誤判可能。澳洲須具條件達到3個目標:(1)塑造戰 ...全文


開拓藥業-B(09939) 其他-業務發展最新情況

開拓藥業-B(09939) 自願公告 就與APPLIED BIOLOGY合作的普克魯胺治療COVID-19研究 ...全文



新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫情顯示,傳播是一柄雙刃劍。它是改變行為的最強大的工具之一。它可以喚醒對在危機中蒙 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年08月21日

Pan-Democrats Should Remain in the LegCo

... rgence in COVID-19 cases. Consequently, current legisla ...全文

今日信報時事評論Brian YS Wong2020年08月21日


許多發展中國家避免了其他地區所發生的新冠病毒(COVID-19)的高傳染率和致死率。這也許是好消息,至少從短期 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年08月20日

Pan-democrats should remain in the LegCo

... rgence in COVID-19 cases. The decision was marred with controversy – ranging from questions concerning its constitutionality, political advisability, and compatibility with principles that the Hong Ko ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-20

Multilateral Development Banks: The compliance imperative

... n between COVID-19 and increased enforcement by MDBs, but COVID-19 will likely create an increased risk of misconduct, potentially leading to enforcement. Emergency situations where significant fundin ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-20

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