
共 1994 個結果
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全球邊境如虛設 共同合作顯實力

... 政府應對的能力。例如COVID-19殺死的美國人已經高於韓戰、越戰和伊拉克戰爭的總和,但美國基本上沒花錢為下一 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Joseph S. Nye, Jr.2020年08月19日


...  Times of COVID-19: on Hygiene and Pollution〉。文章嘗試以「潔淨( ...全文



... ,通過多個新冠病毒(COVID-19)檢查點,來到委內瑞拉卡拉卡斯的醫院後聽到的是這些令人崩潰的話語。她出血多 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年08月18日

March of Lam’s volunteers

Objectively, most observers would judge that Hong Kong has weathered the Covid-19 pandemic remarkably well until now. Recently, mortalities jumped from single figures to a total of 69 out of over 4,48 ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-18


... 為,這正是為什麼有關COVID-19的誤導資訊傳得那麼快:因為新病毒基本上沒有什麼能信任的資料可言,然而群情實 ...全文



... ,審查國光生物科技的COVID-19候選疫苗第一期臨床試驗計劃,會議決議有條件核准其執行,惟疫苗是否有效仍待試 ...全文



... 2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)更令人擔憂的是,流行病學家們預測,未來會有更嚴重的大流行侵襲我們。氣候科 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年08月15日


... 國民意調查便顯示,在COVID-19疫情之下,有73%的德國人對美國印象不佳。相比,只有36%的德國人對中國印 ...全文



新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情在全球肆虐,各地民眾對防疫、清潔消毒、醫療衞生用品等需求大增。這場與病毒的 ...全文


Are financial markets none the wiser?

In an April commentary about the wild gyrations in financial markets during the February-March phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, I noted that the behavior of equity markets had been as bewildering, comp ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-14

The era of COVID-19: Navigating the future of workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic caused companies across the globe to adapt the new, remote working model to ensure employees’ wellness and safety. The office will continue to be important for many companies and ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-14

The COVID-19 new normal: Education sector needs to be prepared

... d wave of Covid-19 struck Hong Kong again, the EDB’s strategy was to mass-disseminate mobile computer devices and subsidise internet access, with students returning to schools on a small and limited s ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-14


8月3日在《信報》刊出的文章〈疫情下與照顧者談生死〉,筆者提到在隔離措施下,不少病人或COVID-19患者要孤 ...全文



... 脅。例如,新冠病毒(COVID-19)殺死的美國人已經高於南北韓戰爭、越南戰爭和伊拉克戰爭,但我們基本沒有花錢 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年08月13日

What’s wrong with HK’s “partial lockdown” strategy?

During the first wave of COVID-19 global outbreak, Hong Kong clearly excelled most of its competitive rivals, including Singapore, in controlling the epidemic. As one of the more successful textbook c ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-13

Turning America’s bad jobs into good jobs

Americans heading into the fall and the new school year are grappling with interrelated upheavals in health, the economy, family life, and race relations. The COVID-19 crisis is falling hardest on the ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-13

【信報短評】疫下年輕一代 教育就業須扶助

... uth & COVID-19: Impacts on jobs, education, rights ...全文


Reforming education in the post-COVID-19 era

It’s been more than six months since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. Prof. Yuen Kwok-yung, chair of infectious diseases, faculty of medicine, HKU, has noted publicly that the pandem ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-12

Speculative capitalism meets authoritarianism

... s was not Covid-19, instead it was the kitchen sink drama of the Saudi Arabian government’s attempts to acquire Premier League football club Newcastle United. Although rumours of a Gulf takeover at th ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-11

Covid-19: Beijing’s response to HK plea shows who is in charge

... sting for Covid-19. This decision, it said, had been made after a request from the Hong Kong administration. Many people were surprised that the Hong Kong government appeared not to have been notified ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-11

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