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... 塊(Modular Bio-Concrete Blocks)。由於生態磚的酸鹼值接近海水,能夠促進潮間帶物種依 ...全文


China's WuXi AppTec raises US$1.01 bln in HK listing: report

...  set up a bio-analytical laboratory in San Diego, California. It also intends to fund the acquisition of contract research organization companies. WuXi shares will begin trading in Hong Kong on Dec. 1 ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-07

荃灣公立何傳耀紀念中學 校長藉數學比賽傳承恩師鼓勵

... 校長和老師,兩位均是Bio PhD,一位中大,一位港大。剛好我們在中大和港大的校友知道有這項比賽,便向他們提議 ...全文


Speculators return as China eases market curbs

... hangsheng Bio-technology (002680.CN), the company at the center of a nationwide vaccine safety scandal that faces the risk of delisting. A “special treatment” stock, Changsheng rose the maximum 5 perc ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-16

Scientists launch plan to map genes of all complex life on earth

... the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) as “the next moonshot for biology” after the Human Genome Project, a 13-year, US$3 billion endeavor to map human DNA which was completed in 2003. The EBP is expected ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-02

Click-on bionic arm could help amputees do the simple things

... Cambridge Bio-Augmentation Systems (CBAS) is working on a "prosthetic interface device" (PID), a neural interface that is integrated into the bone, the skin and the nervous system. Out from the end of ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-01


... 例如將機械人生物化(Bio),Bio+Android便有了Bioroid,Bio+Robot則是Biorobo ...全文



... 物科技──Incu-Bio計劃,對每間公司的研發支援金額提升至最多400萬元。 為鼓勵本地及海外初創、大型企業 ...全文



西非國家塞拉利昂在新政府上台後對「一帶一路」合作項目反悔。 總統馬達.比奧(Madda Bio)近日決定取消投 ...全文


塞拉利昂嫌貴 撤「帶路」機場項目

... .比奧(Madda Bio)近日決定取消投資額為4億美元(約31.2億港元)機場項目,認為該機場是由他的前任政 ...全文


Foxconn sees Zhuhai as stepping stone to creating own brand

... tors were biotechnology, up 15.4 percent, petrochemicals with 13.8 percent growth, and electronics and IT, up 11.6 percent. Output of high-tech companies rose 15.9 percent. Actual foreign investment i ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-03

Changsheng made 500,000 substandard baby vaccines: Xinhua

... hangsheng Bio-technology Co. Ltd. of selling 252,600 doses of ineffective DPT vaccines to inoculate children against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, Reuters said. Xinhua said on Wednesday furt ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-16

China vaccine scandal shows, once again, why HK is different

In mid-July, China's state drug administration ordered Changsheng Bio-technology, a company headquartered in Changchun in northeastern China, to stop production of rabies vaccines after it uncovered e ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-16

China vaccine scandal shows, once again, why HK is different

... hangsheng Bio-technology, a company headquartered in Ch ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2018年08月16日

Vaccine scandal rocks confidence in China food and drug safety

... hangsheng Bio-technology Ltd. (002680.CN), which was found to have falsified reports about the production and inspection of some 113,000 rabies vaccines, according to the China Food and Drug Administr ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-24


... s)、生物基聚合物(bio-based polymers)以及納米材料,可以製作更穩定、更輕、更耐熱、更耐化學 ...全文


天婦羅發源地 葡萄牙創新地道菜

... 牙南部的行政總廚Fábio Pombo,於今個春夏為大家帶來8道全新的葡萄牙菜式。新菜式保持着以新派烹調手法來 ...全文


涉向美輸鴉片類藥 港註冊公司遭制裁

... 港公司為Zaron Bio-Tech(Asia)Ltd,公司與5名內地人都會被凍結在美國國內的資產,並禁止在美 ...全文



... 技術公司Excel Bio Pharm LLC簽署合作及授權協議,合作探索和開發用於下一代腫瘤免疫療法的治療型 ...全文


Why stock listing rules reform is so critical to HK

...  first is bio-tech companies that have not established a track record of revenues and profits, which is currently required by the exchange’s financial eligibility rules. The second is high-growth inno ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-02

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