... 出,佔631伙。 THE HADDON趕下周開價 九龍區也有大型項目部署推出,恒地(00012)旗下紅磡住宅 ...全文
... 金行4600萬掃THE PARKVILLE兩舖 此外,屯門THE PARKVILLE基座商舖早前拆售,奇昌 ...全文
From 2020 to 2060, the world is expected to add about 2.6 trillion square feet (241 billion square meters) of floor area, equivalent to an entire New York City, to the world every month for 40 years. ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-27
元朗The YOHO Hub 2座低層A室,實用面積477方呎,2房間隔,月租叫價1.85萬元,租約將於今年7 ...全文
Everything Under The Sun為您精心挑選最美麗、最多功能的戶外家具,以滿足都市人多樣化的需求。我們的系列展現了歐洲設計的精緻優雅,同時採用獨特而耐用的材料,以抵禦各種不同天氣。SunWeave特別推出以下三款全新精緻休閒家具系列:Flow、Haven和Sunset。無論是自己的私人空間或是在家中款待客人 的溫馨環境,這些系列皆可令您的室外空間 轉變成舒適和時尚的優閒天地。 S ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-27
... ,還是「Laozi the Philosopher reckons philanthropy is fairl ...全文
... 。 黃竹坑站上蓋商場THE SOUTHSIDE去年12月開放地下樓層試業,他預告,將於6月21日開放全部5層商 ...全文
I’ve been asked this question many a time before, “How do I make my CV look stronger?” I’ve had this ask directed to me by young professionals starting out in their careers, seeking to burnish their c ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-26
For eons, humanity has been fixated upon a very peculiar question: is there life beyond Earth? Is Outer Space inhabitable by a large human population? Could there be a planet out there in the universe ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-26
... 表、航空公司及嘉賓於The Mira Hotel舉行酒會及新聞發布會。 ...全文
... 約,是4月30日元朗The YOHO Hub II公布首張價單及5月2日美國聯儲局連續6次會議維持利率不變當周 ...全文
... 加拿大國家鐵路公司(The Canadian National Railway Company)車廠的一部分, ...全文
... 議維持利率不變及元朗The YOHO Hub II公布首張價單當周的市況。 中原地產研究部高級聯席董事楊明儀指 ...全文