
共 1630 個結果
頁數:1...74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82

What next five-year plan must prescribe for Chinese economy

... mpioned a vision of becoming a “moderately well-off society” by 2020, with gross domestic product and per-capita income levels double those of 2010. In order to achieve this, the government has been r ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-23

Startup entrepreneurs must be prepared for total loss

... ps is the vision and boldness to introduce new products and services. Leung said he wants to do this while he is still young and single, and the opportunity cost is low. “If I am 35 and I want to try ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-20


... 巡舖才能解決,那不是vision問題,而是執行問題。我們的vision很清晰——一億客戶就在眼前,但要令他們認 ...全文



... arl Zeiss Vision的合作成果,其獨特而和諧交融的色彩,配合鏡面與木材紋理的顏色靈感來自對旅遊的頌 ...全文


Statemanship and the Greek crisis

... se of the vision of statesmen; now it has been brought to the verge of collapse by the everyday vanities, corruption, and cynicism of bankers and politicians. It is time for statesmanship to return – ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-07


... 牧師創立的組織,例如Vision America,以及目前由他擔任主席的「猶太-基督憲政復辟議會」,都被主流社 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global平行時空沈旭暉2015年07月07日

The world needs a Project Apollo to tackle global warming

... ticulated vision of the program – eventually known as Project Apollo – and the resources and effort mustered in its service ensured its success. Just eight years after Kennedy’s announcement, astronau ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-29

Thin-skinned? Start-ups might not be for you

...  share my vision and are ready to join me and make their lives even more fruitful." On the other hand, the shy entrepreneur might think the idea is not that great. "I can't afford to hire anyone. Besi ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-27

Legco by-election could test solidarity of democrats

... political vision during the by-election in an attempt to win greater trust among the public and differentiate themselves from the political veterans. Some political observers say the by-election could ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-23

How Gurkhas kept illegal immigrants out of Hong Kong

... red night vision device, binoculars, a radio, a green poncho, a flashlight and a few sets of spare batteries. We would take with us a Thermos full of hot tea, an apple or orange, a boiled egg or a chi ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-20

Royal Academy to present monumental Ai Weiwei sculpture

... ty of his vision for the use of that space in relation to his work has been revelatory." Ai "virtually navigated the spaces" from his studio in Beijing to work on the exhibition, the academy said. The ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-17

Hengqin finds niche in Pan-Pearl River Delta Region

... but Niu’s vision goes behind that. “We don’t want to waste our energy trying to compete with other regions," he said. "Instead, we want to concentrate on areas where we can take advantage of our uniqu ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-16

Germanwings crash probe looks beyond dead co-pilot

...  fears of vision loss -- that went undetected because of German confidentiality rules until after the co-pilot’s death. “This investigation will allow us to better understand the balance between medic ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-12

Twitter chief steps down, replaced by co-founder

... efine its vision following its initial public offering in November 2013, Bloomberg reported. Costolo, who was named chief executive in October 2010, presided over the IPO and the stock’s decline of mo ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-12

Leung 2.0: How the fear factor will come into play

...  offers a vision of Hong Kong seven years from now. The writer tells her son "Yuek Hei" about her plans to leave Hong Kong for Britain after she "steps down as chief secretary". “You ask me why there ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-08

Why China-led AIIB is a serious challenge to US-led order

...  offers a vision that is at least as attractive as communism, even though it is at times accused of hypocrisy. There is only American leadership but not British leadership or Japanese leadership -- an ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-08

What the Alliance should do to remain relevant

...  Alliance vision of "building a democratic China". Student leaders from the University of Hong Kong will host a vigil with a "local focus" at the school campus in a bid to stress the importance of sha ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-03

Mainland network LeTV aims to be No. 2 pay-TV station in HK

LeTV, the largest online television network in mainland China, has pledged to pour HK$6 billion in the coming three years to produce and buy content for Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Economic Journal repor ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-02

Carrie Lam says reform plan 'legal, fair, reasonable'

... ucturing: Vision and Action of Youth". During the event, which was attended by dozens of prominent people from the fields of politics, economics and culture, Lam was briefly disrupted by a group of un ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-22

Are we overstating the importance of Putonghua?

... llite Television, where she honed her writing technique. Given the Chinese background of the company, her bosses and many colleagues were from the mainland. Most of them had never set foot in Hong Kon ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-21

頁數:1...74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82

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