... ting firm KPMG is the court-appointed receiver. Passers-by were seen stopping by the Page One store in Harbour City to check out the notice. Caren, a long-time customer who works in the advertising in ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-18
... 需求上升,據顧問公司KPMG指出,里士滿是倫敦最多科技界人士聚居的地區。 根據英國政府官方土地註冊局(Land ...全文
... by BT and KPMG released in July. In total, cybercrime costs the public and private sectors about US$400 billion a year. So it’s no exaggeration to call these cybercriminals "criminal entrepreneurs". B ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-21
... 告仍存在改進空間》(KPMG Survey of Business Reporting–Room for im ...全文
... gy)。根據畢馬威(KPMG)及CB Insights數據顯示,2015年投資於P2P貸款公司、支付服務公司及 ...全文
... 紐約為發展重鎮。根據KPMG近日的報告指出,美國2015年的金融科技投資總額高達77億美元,為近5年來新高,超 ...全文
... 歷史新高。 畢馬威(KPMG)與CB Insights數據顯示,去年全球個人對個人(Peer-to-Peer) ...全文
... auditors KPMG. The Association of Hong Kong Accountants put the fiscal surplus at HK$44.3 billion, on top of HK$45 billion in investment income the government has pledged to inject to the housing res ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-17
KPMG expects Hong Kong's initial public offering market to raise less money next year amid uncertainty over an impending interest rate hike in the United States. The total could be as much as HK$10 bi ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-11
... n 2020, a KPMG report said. Price competitiveness aside, Chinese customers are switching to e-shopping because they prefer foreign-made products, and that is becoming a major reason why they shop onli ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-12
... , head of KPMG China’s Hong Kong banking unit, was quoted as saying. But that doesn’t mean regional banking centers like Hong Kong and Singapore can be replaced, he said. For Societe Generale, which c ...More
EJ Insight2015-07-20