香港擁有多元化生活,每年都會舉辦大大小小的藝術活動,涵蓋了視藝、音樂、電影、文學、戲曲等範疇。近年自由約、文藝 ...全文
上周末遙遠冰島大選,行情看漲看激的是一班internet activists組黨而成的Pirates,一派維京 ...全文
型男影星湯赫度斯頓(Tom Hiddleston)與英超球員占美華迪(Jamie Vardy),兩者有何共通點 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年10月28日
美國女星珍芳達(Jane Fonda)第二任丈夫、 著名社運人士海登(Tom Hayden)【圖】周日去世,終 ...全文
距離美國總統大選投票日尚餘兩周,共和黨候選人特朗普的競選經理康韋(Kellyanne Conway)周日承認特 ...全文
Four of Australia’s wealthiest farming barons are joining forces to prevent Chinese investors from buying S. Kidman & Co., the country’s largest cattle farm. The BBHO consortium comprising the fa ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-24
中華人民共和國成立67周年,除了每年一度的國慶煙花滙演,本港各界均有慶祝活動。比如香港文化藝術界、香港工商界婦 ...全文
The Wang Chau saga is a cross between Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Animal Farm. The goings-on of Leung Chun-ying’s government demand a deeply credulous population. When people, whether governm ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-27
Actress Angelina Jolie has filed for a divorce from actor Brad Pitt, her husband of two years and romantic partner since 2005. "This decision was made for the health of the family. She will not be com ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-21
英國著名餐廳Duck & Waffle於年初舉辦的Taste of Hong Kong美食節中嶄露頭角 ...全文
挪威這個一直被視為世外桃源的北歐雪國,若非因為Facebook這次刪相事件,大抵難以網絡政治方式進入國際媒體的 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野陳偉信2016年09月17日
The United States has launched a World Trade Organization (WTO) complaint against Chinese subsidies for domestic wheat, rice and corn growers. Washington is alleging state support for these farmers ex ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-14
A nearly four-hour long movie about a woman's thirst for revenge and her feelings of forgiveness after 30 years in jail for a crime she did not commit has won the Venice Film Festival's top prize, Reu ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-12