The United States, supposedly the world's beacon of democracy, is practicing a strange form of it nowadays. One presidential candidate won nearly three million more votes than her opponent, who, with ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-29
早前著名德國設計師Konstantin Grcic為了他歷來最大型、首度登陸亞洲的個人展覽《大觀》(Konst ...全文
跟台灣維持外交關係的國家本已寥寥無幾,碩果僅存的邦交國亦絕大部分是開發程度甚低的蕞爾小國,如今外交小圈子更形勢 ...全文
US billionaire Bill Gates has teamed up with other business leaders, including Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma, to launch a US$1 billion clean-technology fund. The fund, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, wi ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-13
美國候任總統特朗普周四展開謝票之旅,預告周一(5日)會提名有「癲狗」(Mad Dog)之稱的退役將軍馬蒂斯(J ...全文
Billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer, who has spent more than US$140 million to fight climate change, will do whatever it takes to oppose President-elect Donald Trump's pro-drilling and anti- ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-16
全球債券市場近期出現不少動盪,但是在過去30年以來,發達市場的國債孳息一直是呈下跌趨勢,以美國10年期債息為例 ...全文
今日信報理財投資理財方略Tom Stevenson2016年11月16日