I have always considered acting to be a noble profession. Hence, I find it perplexing when questions are raised as to why some people would "waste" their education to pursue acting careers. We shoul ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-27
電視廣播(00511)(簡稱TVB)主要股東、「中國梅鐸」黎瑞剛去年牽頭在本港籌辦旗艦影業集團(Flagshi ...全文
Like many of us in Hong Kong, I enjoy an occasional bowl of borscht. It is a soup that brings back memories. As a fan of Thai cuisine, I also like tom yum kung. Not only do these and other soups taste ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-20
所謂美酒佳餚,組合恰當絕對有相得益彰的效果。紅酒、白酒、清酒、啤酒等酒食配搭各有技巧且千變萬化。身為調酒師的P ...全文
A Peeping Tom has been ogling unsuspecting users of a Mong Kok cinema washroom via a remote-control camera attached to an exhaust fan. The makeshift contraption was discovered by a woman who noticed i ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-16
去戲院看電影時,總少不了買一包爆谷。你是否相信,一個爆谷機,能改變他人的命運? 陳玉堂(Tom)幼年時住在深水 ...全文
在鞋履行業擁有超過20年工作經驗的Leah Larson,由低做起,曾擔任收銀員、銷售管理及採購員等不同崗位, ...全文
由「住洋樓,養番狗」、「四仔主義」(屋仔、車仔、老婆仔/老公仔、BB仔/狗仔),再來到現在各種上車故事,置業一 ...全文
Hong Kong must focus more on boosting the consumption of locals to help the retail and tourism-related businesses amid a decline in mainland visitors to the city, says a prominent corporate executive. ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-02
迪士尼(Walt Disney)最新賣座猛片《美國隊長3》的副題為「英雄內戰」。在迪士尼內部,情況雖未至於內戰 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年05月13日
China’s leading Communist Party mouthpiece says the nation has to face up to its non-performing loans and tackle a build-up of debt that is weighing on the global economy. People’s Daily called the co ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-09
Economists hoping to dress up their analysis of April data have two choices. Fourteenth-century English poet Geoffrey Chaucer’s “April with its showers sweet” is the go-to choice for any green shoots. ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-03