「我們對所作的事情有共同理念,有信心及能力連結觀眾。我們知道這是個正確的節目。看起來正確,聽起來也正確。」Ph ...全文
Donald Trump's original nominees to his economic council included some 15 names of which only two are economists. Commentators were swift to press the point that this group was an all-male affair, and ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-19
恒指月初至今升了4%,如此強勢的8月過去10年都未見過。恒指自今年2月低位反彈以來,調整幅度有限【圖1】,反映 ...全文
奧運周五上演中港大戰,港隊周凱華與李晉熙在羽毛球混雙分組賽中,對上國家隊張楠及趙芸蕾,最終港隊直落兩盤局數0比 ...全文
Dave已從唐寧十號府上走了,不帶走雲彩也不敢帶走Larry,傳說Larry不是Dave的,也不是那誰的,卻是 ...全文
US regulators paved the way for a lightning-fast next generation of wireless services in a move, making the United States the first country to set aside an ample amount of airwaves for so-called 5G wi ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-15
下月離任的海洋公園行政總裁苗樂文(Tom Mehrmann)【圖】,昨天跟傳媒午宴時透露將休息一個月,之後會返 ...全文
Beer is an absolute necessity for some sports fans. They wash their excitement down with it or toast their favorite teams in all its frothy glory. Euro Cup and Olympics diehards, for instance, can har ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-08