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Nature as infrastructure

...  has been central to our success as a species. And it will prove vital to our future survival. Technological advances propelled the evolution of infrastructure. Green turned to grey, with concrete, ca ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-07

Hang Seng Index back to where it was in 1997

... ming that Central is ailing. Show me a good profession other than liquidation that is still vibrant under the current scenario. That is perhaps why netizens on the mainland are questioning if Hong Kon ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-06

Higher interest rates are here to stay

... ved using central banks to purchase government debt, which appeared costless when short-term interest rates were zero. This idea is at the core of Modern Monetary Theory and “helicopter money.” In rec ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-06

What is there to love about Hong Kong?

... sland, to Central - the focal point of hustle and bustle in town. Or that you can schedule eight to nine meetings within three hours, for it would only take you minutes to get from one meeting venue t ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-05

Mapping the future of ESG at COP28

... ss of the central role that ESG plays in sustainable finance and ensuring that there are enough green financial products – including Sharia-compliant instruments – to meet soaring demand from customer ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-01

Reducing water pipes leakage requires departmental collaboration

... year, the central government selected 50 cities as pilots to carry out leakage control in public water supply networks for three years. If the pilot water pipe leakage rate is above 12% in 2020, it mu ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-29

Technologies African farmers need

... lects the central role that new technologies have played in transforming Ethiopia’s agricultural sector. By boosting crop yields and building resilience to extreme weather, these innovations have prov ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-27

悉尼Avalon Beach無敵海景 大屋受捧
洋房價低位反彈8% 60買家搶一間

... ,與悉尼中央商業區(Central Business District)相距37公里,約需45分鐘車程。雖然城 ...全文


Sanctimonious sanctions

... tiori the central government in Beijing? Does the elephant even notice when bitten by a flea? Worse, the ludicrous perception that it is an attempt to intimidate the HKSAR judiciary not to implement t ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-21

A rebalancing between city, suburbs and countryside

... ing the decentralisation trend. Globally, these changes also have an impact on property prices. Between 2020 and 2021, home prices in 20 British cities (excluding London) rose by an average of 8.9%, b ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-20

COP28 must focus on the climate-fueled health crisis

... South and Central America, Asia, and small island developing states – often bear the brunt of climate-related health risks. Given the urgency of the threat we face, the current pace of global efforts ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-16

Macau hands out cash to everyone

... nto their Central Provident Fund scheme, equivalent to our Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF). Based on the poor Hang Seng Index performance year-to-date, it would only be lucky if an average Hong Kong wo ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-15

A victory lap for the transitory inflation team

... tters for central banks monitoring changes in prices. In this and several other cases, prices actually came down.) Housing provides another example of this temporary, self-correcting phenomenon. Since ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-15

Bonds as the gateway to understanding the stock market

... ation and central banks increasingly signalling that they are at, or close to, the end of the tightening cycle. There are two main lessons to be learnt from the bond market developments of recent year ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-15

【私銀觀】中央調整政策重心 鞏固增長動力

... 格中央金融工作會議(Central Financial Work Conference),對如何處理房地產開發 ...全文


Can U.S. avoid a recession this time?

... her major central banks -- the Bank of Japan and the People’s Bank of China -- have also raised interest rates sharply. Yet, the U.S. economy continues to defy expectations. It grew at nearly a 5% ann ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-10

Debating as a pedagogical approach

... aken as a central component of education, at schools and in universities. Firstly, it is imperative that students are encouraged to ask, as opposed to merely answer, questions. Question-based dialogue ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-08

New frontiers in low-cost clean tech

The leaders’ declaration that emerged from the recent G20 summit in New Delhi highlighted the urgent need for collective action on climate change and sustainable finance. Central to the group’s Green ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-08

The stunning resilience of emerging markets

As finance ministers and central bankers convened in Marrakesh for the International Monetary Fund and World Bank annual meetings on October 9-15, they faced an extraordinary confluence of economic an ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-02

China: Further efforts to stabilise near-term growth

... illion in central government bonds to support infrastructure investment related to the reconstruction of flooded areas starting in Q4 2023. This implies an increase in the fiscal deficit of almost 1% ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-02

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