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香港「衣Q 」

... Basel、Art Central等大型國際藝術展,百多至數百元的門票,大家除了可在場內欣賞藝術外,出席盛會人 ...全文



... 為中央銀行數碼貨幣(Central Bank Digital Currency)全球外滙結算中心。 歸根究柢, ...全文

今日信報時事評論龍虎山下謝國生 何敏淙2023年03月29日

Central Peak II洋房沽4.1億破頂

新盤豪宅接連錄得成交。新地(00016)港島東半山超級豪宅項目Central Peak II(Central ...全文



M+、香港故宮文化博物館開幕、香港藝術館翻新,加上Art Basel、Art Central等大型展會,令這個 ...全文


許龍一奪香港高爾夫亞洲巡迴賽分站冠軍 楊潤雄祝賀

... 展香港展會、Art Central和博物館高峰論壇,讓香港繼續成為盛事之都。相信這份熱熾的體育氣氛將會延續至本 ...全文


分層3年多升值15% 百萬澳元內有選擇

... 市中心和中央火車站(Central Station)的車程大約半小時。自行開車的話,向西北方向行駛,經大橋Gl ...全文


春分三月 藝聚香江

...  Kong、Art Central人頭湧湧,HKwalls藝術節、尖沙咀及金鐘兩大超巨型藝術裝置等等,均成打卡 ...全文


Waking up to the world’s water crisis

... g water’s central role in driving economic, sociocultural, and environmental change. Lastly, we must bring everyone into the decision-making process – starting with marginalized communities – to devel ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-23

Fifty years of floating currencies

... es enable central banks to set monetary policies independently of other countries. They also allow governments to adjust to trade shocks, retain seigniorage, act as a lender of last resort to their do ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-21

先鋒藝術 轉廢為寶

... 藝術的平台,Art Central亦發掘不少本地新銳藝術家及先鋒項目。 Art Central(3月22至25 ...全文



今年3月是充滿藝術氛圍的月份,除有Art Basel和Art Central舉行外,帝樂文娜公館酒吧「Dada ...全文


大溫哥華樓市好轉 買家出動撈貨
列治文及本那比 華人熱捧潛力高

... 並有社區設施如公園(Central Park)及公共圖書館等。Brentwood Town區同樣也有多個購物中 ...全文


China’s reopening good news for wealth management sector

... . China’s central bank, The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) released its Fintech Development Plan for 2022-2025, which aims to drive the digital transformation of finance over the next few years, and is ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-17

Risk management is the alpha for a time of uncertainty

... kets from central banks give way to quantitative tightening, myriad emerging headwinds have increased uncertainty on a global level. Risk management is the alpha — the returns above market benchmarks ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-16

Central Peak四房1.77億售出

新地(00016)旗下東半山司徒拔道18號超級豪宅項目Central Peak(Central Peak發展項 ...全文


Why we should be happy to pay more for bus service

...  that the Central-Shatin rail link effectively cut down the travel time by 10 minutes. That is also the plight of the bus companies, which see their customers being lured away by the new route of MTR ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-15

Another predictable bank failure

... ing their central role in credit allocation. Rather, it was more prosaic: all banks engage in “maturity transformation,” making short-term deposits available for long-term investment. SVB had bought l ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-15

Will geopolitics or technology reshape global monetary order?

When the United States and its G7 partners imposed sanctions on Russia’s central bank and barred Western financial institutions from doing business with Russian counterparties, commentators warned of ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-14

The inflation picture gets murkier

... , leading central bankers to warn that they may need to resume rapid monetary-policy tightening. US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has just told Congress that, after having reduced the size of it ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-10


... Basel及Art Central。 Monica形容,去年2月至4月是最痛苦、最黑暗的3個月,以往她經常在會 ...全文


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