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... 理中環海濱活動空間的Central Venue Management(CVM)主辦,踏入第七屆的《Summer ...全文


Dollar relief for the global south

... hen major central banks tighten monetary policy. Last year was especially difficult for EMDEs. Initially plagued by sharp capital-flow reversals as investors sought higher yields in the United States, ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-12

Greening Eastern Europe’s growth engines

Over the past three years, a series of overlapping crises has exposed the structural weaknesses in Central and Eastern European (CEE) economies. Coming on the back of rising labor costs and declining ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-11

China’s consumption triangle: A possible trinity

... ackets of central banks in developed economies, China stands out as a relative “safe haven,” equipped with a growth premium, minimal systemic risks within the domestic banking and real estate sectors, ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-02

Sleepwalking into a global recession

...  European Central Bank began hiking interest rates last year, developing economies worried about the adverse effects of monetary tightening and a strengthening dollar on the global economy. The curren ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-28

Fed pause: Loosening monetary policy would be a mistake

... decade of central bank largesse which distorted all asset classes, including real estate. The tightening of credit could tip the US into a recession which has so far remained out of sight. At this sta ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-28

March’s stress events to tighten financing conditions

...  lines to central banks in major developed economies barely increased (though repo to other (EM) central banks rose by $50 billion in the weeks following the US bank run). Still, credit growth has slo ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-26

Taking HK businesses to next level with 5G and edge computing

... nd into a central data cloud. Optimising Resources and Costs Edge computing generates savings for businesses in multiple ways. Reducing cloud capacity requirements is one example. In a system where a ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-25


英國《金融時報》引述Central Banking Publications發布的外滙儲備管理趨勢調查指出,涵 ...全文



... 會2023和Art Central 2023已於3月下旬順利舉行,分別吸引約8.6萬名和4萬名訪客。 文藝盛事 ...全文


事隔4年再開齋 貴絕過去10個月新盤

... 島東半山超級豪宅項目Central Peak II(Central Peak發展項目第2期)洋房上月以約4.1 ...全文


How to improve smart mobility in addition to new toll scheme?

... shing new central business district (CBD) With a population of nearly 4 million in the New Territories and another 1 million expected in the northern metropolis in the future, if the CBD is still in T ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-17

保安森嚴 禁攜手機入內

... en's Road Central(解放皇后大道中)」等字句,呼籲減少該區行車流量。 ...全文



... en’s Road Central(解放皇后大道中)」等字句,呼籲減少行車流量改善環境。 ...全文


美洩密嫌犯落網 面臨監禁15年
低軍階竟可讀取機要 國防部擬收緊權限

... ug Shaker Central的聊天群組,與成員分享軍方機密訊息,群組有20多人,起初因為愛好槍械和電子遊 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年04月15日

倫敦Waltham Forest樓價升幅贏首都
Leyton打造活力社區 宜居之選

... eyton地鐵站乘搭Central Line線,一個站到Stratford站,附近便有英國規模第三大的購物中心 ...全文


Another financial crisis in our lifetime?

... en though central banks had telegraphed historically large and fast rate hikes, management and regulators of these failed banks (and likely others) apparently ignored this basic bond math and the adve ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-14

Is Taiwan worth defending?

... Asia. Its central idea, effectively promoted by Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founder and long-serving former prime minister, is that “Asian values” are incompatible with democratic governance. In Confuci ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-14

美21歲國民警衞隊員洩密元兇 代號「OG」管理聊天室 遭FBI搜屋將被捕

... ug Shaker Central的網上聊天室群組,群組人數約20至30人,以年輕男性為主,槍械和種族主義等為 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年04月14日

Repercussions of banking stress on the Asia-Pacific region

...  and some central banks in Asia may start to ease monetary policy earlier than initially planned. Asian regulators must hold the bottom line of financial stability The SVB turmoil was a by-product of ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-12

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