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大溫哥華樓市好轉 買家出動撈貨
列治文及本那比 華人熱捧潛力高

... 並有社區設施如公園(Central Park)及公共圖書館等。Brentwood Town區同樣也有多個購物中 ...全文


China’s reopening good news for wealth management sector

... . China’s central bank, The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) released its Fintech Development Plan for 2022-2025, which aims to drive the digital transformation of finance over the next few years, and is ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-17

Risk management is the alpha for a time of uncertainty

... kets from central banks give way to quantitative tightening, myriad emerging headwinds have increased uncertainty on a global level. Risk management is the alpha — the returns above market benchmarks ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-16

Central Peak四房1.77億售出

新地(00016)旗下東半山司徒拔道18號超級豪宅項目Central Peak(Central Peak發展項 ...全文


Why we should be happy to pay more for bus service

...  that the Central-Shatin rail link effectively cut down the travel time by 10 minutes. That is also the plight of the bus companies, which see their customers being lured away by the new route of MTR ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-15

Another predictable bank failure

... ing their central role in credit allocation. Rather, it was more prosaic: all banks engage in “maturity transformation,” making short-term deposits available for long-term investment. SVB had bought l ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-15

Will geopolitics or technology reshape global monetary order?

When the United States and its G7 partners imposed sanctions on Russia’s central bank and barred Western financial institutions from doing business with Russian counterparties, commentators warned of ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-14

The inflation picture gets murkier

... , leading central bankers to warn that they may need to resume rapid monetary-policy tightening. US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has just told Congress that, after having reduced the size of it ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-10


... Basel及Art Central。 Monica形容,去年2月至4月是最痛苦、最黑暗的3個月,以往她經常在會 ...全文


港入住率逾八成 房價年中可返疫前

... asel)及Art Central,以及「裕澤香江(Wealth for Good)」高峰論壇,料可持續繼續帶 ...全文


泰國SANSIRI 推出THE BASE Height Chiang Mai

... s合作,攜手推出鄰近Central Festival Mall僅3分鐘步程的尊貴輕奢住宅THE BASE He ...全文


The UN must not be powerless

... ghbors in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as governments across Central and East Asia. If Russia, a nuclear power, can invade its much-smaller neighbor and prevail, what is to stop Putin from goin ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-02

Bond strategy: Be patient and accumulate duration on weakness

... is clear: central banks will likely need to raise rates further and keep them there for longer than previously expected. Nevertheless, it is important to realise how far we have already come in this t ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-01

What Europe’s economy needs now

...  European Central Bank to increase interest rates further and faster. What we need instead is targeted support, namely investments in sectors that are green and likely to promote resilience and compet ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-01

Who stands for freedom?

...  freedom. Central to this vision of capitalism is the freedom to exploit: Monopolies should have unfettered power to trample potential entrants and squeeze their workers, and firms should be free to c ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-28

APAC real estate: Opportunities to rise as borrowing costs bite

With major central banks outside of Japan tightening their monetary policies to counter rising inflation in recent months, borrowing costs have increased sharply in most developed Asian markets. Banks ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-23

信置少賺42% 售樓收入腰斬
中期息維持15仙 今年推6個新盤

... III、中環ONE CENTRAL PLACE、元朗柏瓏III,以及黃竹坑港島南岸第4A及4B期已取得預售樓花 ...全文



... 會2023、Art Central 2023、「宋懷桂:藝術先鋒與時尚教母」及「倫敦國家美術館名作(暫名)」。 ...全文



... 進「央行數碼貨幣」(central bank digital currency)──「數字人民幣」(E-CNY ...全文



... 港第二個核心商業區(central business district,CBD)的定位是否足夠清晰和明確的問題 ...全文


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