
共 3000 個結果
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Peak China?

...  that are central to this century’s economic growth. China, of course, is investing heavily in research and development, so that its technological progress no longer depends solely on imitation. It ha ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-06

The looming financial contagion

... where the central bank has kept interest rates at zero or negative for decades, might be the world’s most acutely vulnerable country. In addition to ultra-low rates, the Bank of Japan has also engaged ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-05

The fate of the global balance sheet

... ing major central banks to hike interest rates. Real global equity and bond prices declined by about 30% and 20%, respectively, sapping net worth in many countries, especially Australia, Canada, China ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-04


... 物中心天環Parc Central,由明年1月8日起攜手推出「好賞‧ 同遊」消費禮遇,向北上消費的港人及來港的 ...全文


A year-end review of 2022 (I)

... fields of Central and Eastern Ukraine this year – but it would be naïve to frame Putin a victim of circumstances. At most, he’d be a ‘victim’ of his own making: of an intelligence apparatus that prior ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-29

Many of China’s super-rich plan to leave country

... uietly in central Tokyo for the last six months. He has stayed out of public view in China for two years. Several factors are pushing the wealthy out of their homeland. One is the objective of “common ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-29

Many of China's super-rich plan to leave country

... uietly in central Tokyo for the last six months. He has ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年12月29日

Is a global recession really around the corner?

... her major central banks, there is something like a 50% chance of a recession in 2023 and a 75% chance of it happening at some point during the next two years. Europe, hit hard by soaring energy prices ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-28


... 濃郁,佐以紐西蘭南島Central Otago名牌黑皮諾之一的Mt Difficulty,酒身壯實,卻又不欠黑 ...全文



... 半山司徒拔道超級豪宅CENTRAL PEAK 3伙,其中Alpex II座5樓Manor A室,實用2104方 ...全文



... stimating central bank objectives using text analysis. ...全文


Another annus horribilis for the Fed

...  powerful central bank has been forced into the most front-loaded, fast-paced hiking cycle in decades – and at a time when the economy is already slowing – there is growing concern that it will tip th ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-20

The use and abuse of inflation history

... ing other central banks around the world – have drawn parallels to the problems that Chair Paul Volcker and the Fed faced in the early 1980s. The implication (if you buy the parallel) is that bringing ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-15

Too much gloom and doom?

... ch, and decentralized finance. The best we can do is to welcome the low neutral real rate without pretending to understand it. Looking ahead, the component of inflation that is due to aggregate supply ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-14

A financial agenda for India’s G20 presidency

... e. First, central-bank currency swap lines, and dollar swaps by the Federal Reserve in particular, have proven highly effective in calming financial markets. Unfortunately, the Fed and other central b ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-14


... 近四小時,走回市中心Central Street打算吃午飯時已經下午3時。歐美的餐飲業似乎都不太景氣,主街上的 ...全文


All pain and no gain from higher interest rates

Central banks’ unwavering determination to increase interest rates is truly remarkable. In the name of taming inflation, they have deliberately set themselves on a path to cause a recession – or to wo ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-12

泰北最大商場坐鎮 樓價平首都郊區25%

... 以尚泰清邁購物中心(Central Festival Chiang Mai)為核心,因而統稱尚泰商圈,區內醫院 ...全文


Outlook 2023: Opportunity in a volatile world

...  and with central bank tightening expectations starting to peak, this creates an array of attractive risk-adjusted return opportunities. Developed market sovereigns in particular offer attractive entr ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-09

疫控放鬆沖喜港股急彈635點 科指炒高6.6%

... 交有5.9億元,股東Central Huijin於12月5日場內減持100萬股。 立即試用EJFQ「信號」全方 ...全文


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