
共 3000 個結果
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Where shall we go and spend the money?

Although everyone in Hong Kong is covered in a mask, it is easy to tell they are not smiling. Why? People at the International Finance Centre in Central could tell that no one is making money in almos ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-28

In search of a development plan for Asia

... ld play a central role in such an approach, for example, by providing the data and processing power (through AI) to deliver bottom-up feedback and facilitate coordination. And connectivity hubs – from ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-28

Making net-zero pledges count

...  field. A central objective of the High-Level Expert Group is to map the needed regulations. Finally, accountability is essential. When companies, banks, investors, cities, and regions make net-zero c ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-27

Reaching overseas customers key to thriving in turbulent times

There are some things businesses simply have no control over. They can’t control inflation, or how aggressively central banks respond to it. They can do little about rising costs, which are pushing th ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-26

In the dollar we trust

...  European Central Bank, including at this week’s meeting of its Federal Open Market Committee. Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan is reluctant to move away from its ultra-loose monetary policy and has conti ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-23

Navigating a world in shock

...  Canadian central bank governor Stephen Poloz explains in his book The Next Age of Uncertainty, “when multiple long-term forces are acting together on the economy through time, and interacting with on ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-21

悉尼Penshurst華人青睞 屋價年漲17%
打入升幅龍虎榜五大 跑贏鄰區好市圍

... 列車開往中央火車站(Central Station)。Penshurst火車站只有2線行車,繁忙時段每小時有6 ...全文


What Liz Truss must do

... dependent central bank). On the eve of her party leadership victory, she sounded much more prime ministerial. But if Truss wants the broader electorate to view her as a capable leader deserving of re- ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-12

深度近視勿輕視 黃斑病變可制止

... 眼便出現了中央暗點(central scotoma),更影響日常駕駛,對教書工作造成極大不便。眼科醫生診斷為脈 ...全文

今日信報副刊文化視力健康陳家裕醫生 吳兆駿副教授2022年09月12日

Investment environment for Western firms in China deteriorates

...  goals of central and local governments in China, it said. “Foreign companies of high strategic relevance, such as hi-tech firms with a large investment presence in China, are likely to be more secure ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-08


... Basel、Art Central,還希望以AI、AR、VR和元宇宙等新科技,推動香港成為亞洲ArtTech展 ...全文


Investment environment for Western firms in China deteriorates

...  goals of central and local governments in China, it sa ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年09月08日

Will Truss rehabilitate Keynes?

... simply by central banks that print too much money has been convincingly refuted by experience, first in Japan from 1990 onwards, and then in the world as a whole since 2009. And theories attributing i ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-07

When daily Covid cases hit 10,000…

... banker in Central whose office hinted the affected person to take sick leave instead. Otherwise, around a dozen people might have to go into self-quarantine because of either having a meeting or meal ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-07

EY forum discovers potential of data,finance,ESG interconnection

... ally, the central and regional governments have put tremendous effort into integrating different healthcare segments, which would be beneficial to the development of the industry. Xu Qian, Deputy Gene ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-07

Hong Kong new leader shouts his devotion to Xi from the rooftops

... both “the Central People’s Government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.” Within Hong Kong, there used to be an opposition that challenged the chief executive’s every move but now the on ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-06

How HK sets the stage for next fintech revolution

All around the world, central banks are exploring and experimenting with the potential of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), with around 100 countries having launched projects related to the techno ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-05

High Street Quarter住宅299萬入場

倫敦Hounslow市中心區的Hounslow Central Plan,涉及升級改造和重建項目共21個,當中 ...全文


十年改造近完成 搖身潮流蒲點

... 的Hounslow Central Plan,目標是10年內把市中心的High Street步行街及兩旁進行改 ...全文


Will the dollar’s surge end in whiplash?

...  European Central Bank is being more cautious. This is partly because the economic outlook for the eurozone is more fragile. The ECB is worried about Italy’s high debt levels, but also believes that c ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-02

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