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【異動股】賽生藥業曾插18% 遭股東減持100萬股

... 新紀錄,賽生藥業股東Central Huijin於12月5日場內減持100萬股,佔發行股數0.15%,場內平均 ...全文


A farewell to Jiang

... er of the Central Committee in 1982, promoted to Mayor ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年12月08日


... 感。 此外,MCP CENTRAL & MCP DISCOVERY(新都城中心2期及3期)及MOSTo ...全文


A farewell to Jiang

... er of the Central Committee in 1982, promoted to Mayor of Shanghai in 1985, and further promoted to Party Secretary of Shanghai in 1987. Selected as a compromise between rival factions in the aftermat ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-07

Protests show maintaining stable US-China ties isn’t easy

... , China’s Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission issued a statement Nov. 29 that alleged “infiltration and sabotage efforts by hostile forces” and called for a crackdown. That day, security fo ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-06

Crypto’s well-worn path to crisis

... ulated, decentralized financial system, but that doesn’t mean the technology is to blame for the chaos. Other forms of digital finance and blockchain technology – like smart contracts – may yet improv ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-06

The unavoidable crash

...  includes central, provincial, and local government bonds and other formal liabilities, as well as implicit debts such as unfunded liabilities from pay-as-you-go pension schemes and health-care system ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-05

QE with Chinese characteristics?

... ost major central banks are now reversing quantitative easing (QE) and raising interest rates, China may need to head in the opposite direction. Observers often forget that QE was invented by the Bank ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-02

Russia’s financial crisis must come sooner

... e Russian central bank’s ability to maintain a stable exchange rate would be called into question. Interest rates would rise. The solvency of the banking system would be jeopardized. And Russia’s abil ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-01

The case for mandating climate-risk disclosure

...  rules is central to the SEC’s mission of protecting investors and the public interest, and is well within the agency’s expertise. One of the most fundamental roles that Congress has assigned to the S ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-28


... 2021年「Art Central」藝術展覽會找到她的作品蹤影。   治癒系空間 充滿創造力的情感由藝術畫作 ...全文



... 覺上比十年前多幾倍。Central Square附近的亞洲超級市場H Mart被華人擠得水洩不通,像香港一田百 ...全文



為迎接2022 FIFA卡塔爾世界盃,恒基地產旗下6大商場,包括MCP CENTRAL & MCP D ...全文


Reimagining global connections

... rope, and Central Asia import more than 50% of the electronics they need. The European Union imports more than 50% of its energy resources. The Asia-Pacific region imports over 25% of its energy resou ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-24

Think again about persistent inflation, and the non-partisan Fed

...  that the central bank reacted predictably to inflationary pressures – possibly, in part, because there weren’t many in those years. Instead, it reacted to high employment, regardless of whether that ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-23

A Liz Truss moment for Japan?

... aditional central bankers, many of whom were trained long before the QQE era, have criticized the BOJ for enabling the government to run unsustainable budget deficits and inducing moral hazard. But th ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-22

Global markets not out of the woods yet

... concerns, central bank policy, and earnings, which are not looking great. Slowing economic growth and ongoing geopolitical concerns also make it tough to be bullish toward equities. Geographically, US ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-22

The World Cup and the world economy

... om senior central bankers around the world. Some told me it was the best publication we produced, which, given how frequently we published on economic events and markets, was both amusing and somethin ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-22

The EU’s trillion-euro question

... w quickly central capacities can develop when external shocks require them. If historical analogies are anything to go by, the current crisis presents European governments with the circumstances to em ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-17

Climate change warning from new Jungle Book

... work. The central message is that human beings are only guests in this planet earth and must look after it well for the other animals. This two-act work lasting for two hours, which has a lot of recor ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-16

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