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More residents crossing the border on Chung Yeung

...  Shenzhen Bay Port while more than 82,000 people came from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao mega bridge. All these numbers surpassed the peak of the national holiday in October when Hong Kong also enjoyed a ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-25

水淹農田 收割紅莓

秋季正值小紅莓收成期,美國麻省巴澤茲灣(Buzzards Bay)的果農加緊收割。小紅莓生長在低矮密實的藤蔓, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global金錢圖譜2023年10月21日

A spotlight In Broad Daylight

... e Greater Bay Area for retirement to take advantage of lower cost of living there. So, do these issues still exist? All participants in yesterday’s after movie talk believed so. I also noticed some me ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-18

Thinking fast and slow: On Hong Kong as a tourist hub

... n Greater Bay Area, and China at large, in the post-pandemic era. A significant number of measures have been rolled out, in an attempt to court tourists. From campaigns such as ‘Happy Hong Kong’ to ‘N ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-10

Designing a marketing value chain that yields payoffs

...  costs at bay in the face of rapid inflation, simply by making a few marketing workflow adjustments and incorporating new solutions into the value chain. The question then, is how can marketers better ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-10

Hong Kong to re-enter world market through the Middle East

... e Greater Bay Area and its lucrative banking, fintech and I&T ecosystems can help support these new ventures. MoUs, collaboration on CBDCs, joint events, and entrenching ourselves further in newer ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25


踏出新加坡地鐵站,穿過紙醉金迷的濱海灣金沙(Marina Bay Sands, MBS),這裏萬頭攢動,奢華生 ...全文


The youth are not monolith

... e Greater Bay Area connotes a second chance, a genuine path to economic rejuvenation in the aftermath of the past few years of turbulence. Yet there are also youth who find themselves uncomfortable wi ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-11

Why taxi license is not taking off

...  Causeway Bay for more than three years, I can testify Causeway Bay is mostly not very vibrant, although I still get requests from mainland tourists for road direction. Then of course, some 200,000 Ho ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-03


... 」(Greater Bay ASEAN)。滙豐和戈壁創投都備受市場尊重,兩者簽訂備忘錄,可以視為一個里程碑,持 ...全文



... 沙灣(Sansha Bay)一帶水域,偷運成品油予北韓,迴避國際制裁的情況。根據信件所稱,有衞星圖片證明,在2 ...全文



... d Seasons Bay第3期(Wetland Lot No.33 Development發展項目第3期)目 ...全文


Finding value after the Great Reset

...  as Tokyo Bay and Seoul which have recorded stronger absorption and tighter vacancy rates as compared to decentralized emerging submarkets. Similarly, prime submarkets in Sydney, Melbourne and Singapo ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-06


... uantanamo Bay)美國海軍基地監獄探訪。她在2月初的4天探訪中會晤囚犯,訪問他們的代表律師和前囚犯。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年06月28日

Wetland Seasons Bay兩房1.28萬租出

天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay 3期6A座高層C3室,實用面積434方呎,2房間隔,以1.28萬 ...全文


Heat therapy

... f Penny’s Bay – which garnered the International Hoteliers’ award of ‘Outstanding’ in the Stalag Luft III category – the hotel accommodation in which the quarantine sentences were served tended to mit ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-07


... 0 REPULSE BAY ROAD)取得年度香港私人住宅室內設計優異獎。 ...全文


疫後暑期檔 荷里活電影大熱精選

... 爾(Michael Bay)執導,之後拍了5部作品。系列外傳《大黃蜂》於2018年大收旺場後,派拉蒙影業決定重 ...全文



... 0 Repulse Bay Road獲頒年度香港私人住宅室內設計優異獎。 ...全文


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