... 蠔灣(OYSTER BAY)」,整個地區可興建超過2萬個公私營住宅單位,料供逾6萬人居住。 鄧智輝表示,整個項 ...全文
The Greater Bay Area (GBA) is one of the most exciting ...全文
今日信報理財投資香港經濟峰會2023──穩經濟 » 尋新路 » 創機遇2022年12月01日
... d Seasons Bay第2期別墅單位持續錄得成交,周五售出別墅RV6 3樓A室,實用面積909方呎,連19 ...全文
... nte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort,以美好年代作主題的Monte-Carlo B ...全文
今日信報副刊文化食家講場Walter Kei2022年11月15日
... 中心(Marina Bay Financial Centre)2號頂層,開設新加坡總部。 滙豐星洲設總部 滙控 ...全文
Since the 1980s, Hong Kong's manufacturing industry has had to move to neighbouring regions with lower operation costs, especially the Greater Bay Area. Statistics from a report by the Chinese Manufac ...More
EJ Insight2022-11-11
... o Greater Bay Area (2020-2025), the commissioning of two flagship institutions, viz Hong Kong's first Chinese medicine hospital (CMH) and the Government Chinese Medicines Testing Institute will soon b ...More
EJ Insight2022-11-10
行政長官李家超今日出席「大灣區青年就業計劃」活動致詞時表示,計劃的英文名是「Greater Bay Area ...全文
... e Greater Bay Area to create bigger synergy. The key to the success of such a huge and complex project is how to coordinate the stakeholders. In the Mainland, One Map is used to handle large-scale pro ...More
EJ Insight2022-11-04
... e Greater Bay Area. This is also conducive to the creation of new jobs and new types of work. Therefore, the authorities should gear up as soon as possible to attract and train these talents. -- Conta ...More
EJ Insight2022-10-31
... ON Marina Bay總經理Melvin Lim透露,4月下旬政府解除限制後,需求即時反彈。目前入住率已經 ...全文
... e Greater Bay Area. The new administration’s support for digital transformation is a welcome signal to the market, presently plagued by sluggish economic sentiments. Noteworthy is the government’s int ...More
EJ Insight2022-10-25
... d Seasons Bay第3期為例,今年9月推出首批78伙,折實平均呎價14186元,較Wetland Se ...全文
... d Seasons Bay第2期則售出別墅RV9地下A室,實用面積1158方呎,連676方呎花園,成交金額16 ...全文
... e Greater Bay Area, which is still blocked after more than two years with little hope of further restriction removal even after the 20th National Congress. In this light, perhaps it is surprising to r ...More
EJ Insight2022-10-12