... d Greater Bay Area. “Hong Kong is so convenient,” he said. “I can visit a few districts in one day.” He recalled taking the train from Shenzhen to Shatin and riding the bus to Sai Kung for a few hours ...More
EJ Insight2023-05-24
... 導演Michael Bay執導的《變形金剛4》。「故事講述壞機械人在香港大肆破壞,香港的特技人在裏面飾演途人, ...全文
天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay 1A座中層A6室,實用面積512方呎,3房間隔,向西北,以1.3 ...全文
... 魚涌(Quarry Bay),quarry就是採石場的意思——鰂魚涌在殖民地時代曾作為採石場。這點Polo也知 ...全文
... 三藩市灣區(The Bay Area),也是一個內灣區。 要理解大灣區「黃金內灣」的含義,我們可以先回顧珠江口 ...全文
... 購物中心「灣景薈T Bay」也會一併出售。該項目市場估值最低65億元,預計業主不會接受低於65億元的出價。 有 ...全文
... 同購物中心灣景薈T Bay一併出售。 仲量聯行香港資本市場部主管陳國章稱,目前已有不少本地投資者、大型發展商及 ...全文
... o Greater Bay Area as an example. The cost of the Project A was about 500 million yuan, while the Project B with chips of the same precision and computing power 40% higher than the former cost nearly ...More
EJ Insight2023-03-21
... e Greater Bay Area, which aims to bring together Hong Kong and Macao with nine cities in Guangdong to become an economic region, and to level up opportunities for the financial services industry. As p ...More
EJ Insight2023-03-17
... 爾斯灣(False Bay)殺戮手法相若。 專家憂互學異常捕殺技巧 「左舷」及「右舷」在2015年首次被發現在 ...全文
... hesapeake Bay)等地重建蠔礁,經驗極豐富。他不忘補充:「現時全世界有85%的蠔礁已經消失了!」 自 ...全文
... (Richards Bay)以東海域舉行海上聯合演習,主題為維護航運及海上經濟活動安全聯合行動,中方派出在亞丁 ...全文