... o Greater Bay Area. In November 2022, the collaboration was further strengthened with the launch of 14 new projects, covering e-commerce, cross-border data exchange, FinTech and green technology. Key ...More
EJ Insight2023-02-09
... 報道,Hudson Bay Capital是主要牽頭融資者。Hudson Bay Capital與加拿大零售商 ...全文
路透引述消息人士報道,加拿大零售商Hudson Bay旗下Hudson Bay Capital Managem ...全文
... d Seasons Bay第3期(Wetland Lot No.33 Development發展項目第三期)在 ...全文
... BC加州灣區地方台(Bay Area)的華裔記者Janelle Wang,周四(26日)到半月灣所在聖馬特奧縣 ...全文
... Half Moon Bay)兩個農場開槍,導致7死1重傷,死者包括華裔員工。 農場工轟斃7同行遭控8罪 加州半 ...全文
... d Seasons Bay第3期(Wetland Lot No.33 Development發展項目第三期)於 ...全文
五礦地產傾力發展的「蔚藍東岸Montego Bay」,日前公布最新推出通關優惠,於2023年1月31日或之前購 ...全文
新地(00016)旗下的天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay第3期(Wetland Lot No.33 ...全文
新盤市場稍為回暖,發展商加快推售餘貨。新地(00016)旗下天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay第3期 ...全文
... d Seasons Bay為例,該項目與Wetland Seasons Park毗鄰香港唯一的濕地公園,從設計 ...全文
... n Greater Bay Area. Having affected many Hong Kong families – including my two immediate families, I am quite sure that Covid, which has a new name “novel coronavirus infection” (instead of pneumonia) ...More
EJ Insight2022-12-28
... e Greater Bay Area property sectors. Pilots to seed market adoption Other developments include the embracing of NFTs which were tested at the Hong Kong Fintech Week as proof of attendance for attendee ...More
EJ Insight2022-12-21
... 蠔灣(OYSTER BAY)」【圖】,預計分4個階段興建超過2萬個公私營住宅單位,首批居民料2030年入伙,小 ...全文
... Steak、Old Bay以及Lawry's調味粉等,實行把集團定位為自家品牌的一分子,進入該巿場去主動迎戰。 ...全文
... in Penny Bay for as many as three weeks in January. The fallen politician and Qianhai ambassador could probably celebrate his upcoming birthday without any trouble. Our thoughts also go to Yutaka Tak ...More
EJ Insight2022-12-14