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美國總統拜登在9月中接受電視台訪問,儘管每天還有四百多美國人因「染疫病歿」,他強調當地的新冠疫情已經結束。這位 ...全文


房協奪PR Awards 2022兩項大獎

房協於「PR Awards 2022」獲得「年度最佳公關團隊」組別的最高殊榮金獎,以及「最佳COVID-19應 ...全文


APAC investment outlook: Patience needed

Global markets rallied hard from the lows in June on hopes of a Federal Reserve (the Fed) pivot before correcting in mid-August. The correction was mainly driven by the Federal Reserve’s message durin ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-03

尋久違旅遊樂趣 疫下購保險增保障

隨着新冠(COVID-19)疫情放緩,全球多個國家放寬入境限制。港府亦積極回應社會訴求,檢討入境檢疫安排,從「 ...全文



疫情回落,社會開始有復常的討論。最大的關注,是入境檢疫安排調整為「0+3」和之後會否甚至改為「0+0」。作為跑 ...全文



在第五波疫情之前,香港由於實施了大量的非藥物干預措施(NPI,如洗手、戴口罩等)和嚴格的邊境管制措施,已設法保 ...全文


In the dollar we trust

Despite rampant inflation and slowing growth, the US dollar keeps going from strength to strength. Since May last year, the greenback has risen by 28% against the yen and 20% against the pound. It has ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-23

China and Europe are drifting apart

China and Europe are drifting apart, with investment by each in the other falling and Europe’s share of the Chinese market declining. Public sentiment in the EU is increasingly anti-China. These are t ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-22

China and Europe are drifting apart

China and Europe are drifting apart, with investment by ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年09月22日

Navigating a world in shock

Make no mistake: We no longer live in a stable international rules-based order. The days of unipolarity and global liberalism are over, and we are now facing a confluence of shocks unlike anything mos ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-21


老子在《道德經》第30章有道:「師之所處,荊棘生焉。大軍之後,必有凶年。」人類在2019年尾開始和新冠病毒作戰 ...全文


Investing in Africa’s health

There was a time, not so long ago, when an HIV diagnosis was a death sentence. AIDS, together with tuberculosis and malaria, killed millions of people and overwhelmed health systems worldwide – especi ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-16


從今季開始,英超跟隨其他歐洲聯賽將換人名額正式由每場3人增加至每場5人。每場5人的換人名額是在疫情爆發的201 ...全文


Investment environment for Western firms in China deteriorates

The investment environment for Western firms in China is deteriorating due to a Zero-Covid policy without end, drought, worsening relations between Beijing and Washington and Brussels, disputes over X ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-08

Investment environment for Western firms in China deteriorates

The investment environment for Western firms in China i ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年09月08日


家住薩里郡時,想去參觀英國國家信託局(National Trust, NT)管理旗下的景點:Runnymede ...全文



新冠肺炎疫情至今年8月為止,全球死亡數字已經接近650萬,有超過6億人曾經染疫,相信各國人口將來的「預期壽命」 ...全文


中國鐵鈦(00893) 內幕消息

中國鐵鈦(00893) 內幕消息 四川省阿壩州汶川縣礦場營運 因當前COVID-19疫情而受到干擾(139KB ...全文


康希諾吸入式疫苗 內地批准緊急使用

康希諾生物(06185)公布,旗下的吸入用新冠病毒疫苗已經獲得中國同意作為加強針,納入緊急使用。 作為新冠加強 ...全文


Will the dollar’s surge end in whiplash?

The US dollar has been on a tear this summer. The Japanese yen and the euro have fallen to their lowest levels against the greenback in two decades; the euro, long worth more than one dollar, is now h ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-02

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