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今年2月,美國白宮出版拜登的首份「印度太平洋戰略」文件。由於白宮文件的諮詢草議已於去年開始,本文綜合去年至今印 ...全文


Will the Ukraine war upend the sustainability agenda?

The casualties in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine extend well beyond the Ukrainians whom Russian forces are directly targeting. Russia’s aggression also threatens the global sus ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-25

Smart city starts with smart planning

Smart city starts with smart planning, and geographic information system or GIS is the foundation technology for smart city development. It empowers town planners to determine how, where, and when the ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-25

惠陶集團(08238) (修改後標題) 公告及通告 - [股東周年大會通告 / 暫停辦理過戶登記手續或更改暫停辦理過戶日期]

惠陶集團(08238) 更改股東週年大會日期及暫停辦理股份過戶登記期間以及更新COVID-19相關指引(546 ...全文


惠陶集團(08238) 股東周年大會的結果 / 暫停辦理過戶登記手續或更改暫停辦理過戶日期

惠陶集團(08238) 更改股東週年大會日期及暫停辦理股份過戶登記期間以及更新COVID-19相關指引(546 ...全文


This inflation is demand-driven and persistent

Commentators have generally offered two arguments about advanced economies’ performance since COVID-19 struck, only one of which can be true. The first is that the economic rebound has been surprising ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-22

What we need for long-term peace and prosperity

Russia’s war in Ukraine is a humanitarian catastrophe that violates the United Nations Charter and international humanitarian law, and has exacerbated socioeconomic and environmental crises around the ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-21

Horse racing never dies

Show me a business that stayed resilient in March, the toughest month so far this year. Not even HKTV mall, a popular online shopping site that reported a decline in sales due to the logistics shut do ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-20

KFM金德(03816) 內幕消息

KFM金德(03816) 內幕消息 由於COVID-19疫情導致上海封鎖對業務運營造成的影響(191KB, p ...全文



美國今年3月的液化天然氣(liquefied natural gas, LNG)總出口量增至約743萬噸,再創 ...全文



俗語:「盧醫不自醫。」意指是醫生雖然能給人治病,卻不能醫治自己的病。這是普通常識,甚至於古代不通文墨的人都會明 ...全文



新冠病毒蹂躪人類兩年多,令一些確診者身體出現了各種古靈精怪的症狀。有救護員在上門接收新冠病人時,看到一個詭秘的 ...全文


Reopening story in Asia and renewed investment opportunity

The lack of energy supply globally caused by the Russia-Ukraine situation, pressure on prices and the Fed's rate hikes, and the reopening story in Asia will continue to shape the global economy in the ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-14

Europe’s economy on a knife edge

Europe’s economy is finely poised between recession and growth. The knife edge is sharp because European policymakers have exactly zero control over the outcome. Before Russian President Vladimir Puti ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-14

Inequality is a business risk

“We live in a more shock-prone world,” IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva recently observed, “and we need the strength of the collective to deal with shocks to come.” She’s right. In the space ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-14

瑞科生物獲阿聯酋批准 展新冠疫苗ReCOV臨床試驗

瑞科生物(02179)公布,公司已就其重組蛋白新冠肺炎疫苗ReCOV獲得阿聯酋國家衞生與預防部的臨床試驗批准, ...全文


Reforming Hong Kong for the better: Economics and finance

The past few years have been extraordinarily treacherous for Hong Kong. The 2019 anti-extradition bill protests exacerbated long-standing grievances and divergences between the mainland and Hong Kong, ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-12

野村:藥明康德首季收入勝指引 維持買入評級

野村 藥明康德(02359) 評級:買入 目標價:181.12元 (較前收市價119.3元有51.8%潛在升幅 ...全文


Successful cases of local geographic information applications

My new English electronic book Smart City 4.0 demonstrates to the younger generation and startups how spatial data and geographic information system (GIS) revolutionises our lives through sharing of r ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-11

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