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新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情發生後會出現怎樣的地緣政治視角?我認為2030年有5種可能的情況會發生,當 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年10月15日

China’s appetite for meat still growing

Despite the impact of Covid-19 and African swine fever, China’s appetite for meat is showing no sign of slowing down. The country is the world’s largest consumer of meat by some margin, with citizens ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-15

The logic of Sino-Western détente

While much of the hand wringing over China has abated somewhat during the COVID-19 crisis, the fears animating Western attitudes toward that country have not disappeared, and could resurface at any mo ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-14

The great reallocation

In the first several months of the COVID-19 crisis – the acute phase – the main economic fallout was a liquidity crunch, which governments countered with aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus. But n ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-13

斥斷章取義引讚語 拒為政治人物背書

... 文違反了規定,傳播跟COVID-19有關的誤導性和潛在有害訊息。 Twitter發言人指出,對特朗普帖文發布了 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global選戰風雲2020年10月13日

Unrest, security law encourages Hong Kong people to emigrate

...  now. The COVID-19 pandemic means that the economies of most desirable countries will post negative growth this year. When governments reduce or end subsidies that are keeping people in work, unemploy ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-12


... 自己確診的是新冠病毒COVID-19),又強調疫苖很快面世,當局會設立一個醫療系統提供廉價醫療服務。前往特拉華 ...全文


Overcoming COVID-19 disruption to essential health services

Health-care delivery in nearly every country has been disrupted by policymakers’ mistaken initial assumption that health systems would quickly win the fight against COVID-19. As the pandemic’s caseloa ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-12


COVID-19全球大流行已困擾整個世界逾半年,但疫情至今仍未消退,隨著美國總統大選進入白熱化階段,特朗普被批 ...全文



新冠病毒(COVID-19)肺炎疫情席捲全球,對各行各業均造成衝擊,而零售、餐飲和旅遊業更是首當其衝,無數企業 ...全文

今日信報理財投資保險解碼周榮佳 湯彩廷2020年10月10日


... 之時刻節」嗎? 可恨COVID-19是大獨裁者!「萊茵河芭蕾舞團」,9月5日首演《卓別靈》於斯特拉斯堡;無奈3 ...全文


Building back fairer and greener

... rticular, COVID-19 has revealed the depth of gender inequities, with women suffering the most from the pandemic’s economic fallout. Research by the International Trade Centre shows that nearly 65% of ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-09

After the vaccine

There is a growing consensus that one or more COVID-19 vaccines will become available at some point in early 2021. Within a year, many people in the United States, and some other countries, will be va ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-09


COVID-19疫情發生後會出現怎麼樣的地緣政治視角,我認為2030年有5種可能的情況會發生,當然還可以想像出 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Joseph S. Nye, Jr.2020年10月09日

繼續Long Call特朗普

... 本色!英國首相約翰遜COVID-19出院後民望急升,但只維持了1個月,可是只要有15天的名望上升期已足夠令特朗 ...全文


許繹彬:港股陰晴不定 務必持盈保泰

... 有戒心,一招宣布確診COVID-19再火速出院,已經令美股「來回地獄又折返人間」;總之每日劇情總有驚與喜,已不 ...全文


The pandemic’s complex cocktail

... op of the COVID-19 crisis, which has left most countries struggling to strike a balance between protecting public health, achieving a return to a semi-normal level of economic activity, and limiting i ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-07


... 歡迎觀光團參觀,可惜Covid-19期間,酒莊觀光團和餐廳都暫時停止營業。話說蘇格蘭氈酒,未發現Harris ...全文


加州理工研發 10分鐘驗新冠病毒

現時進行新冠肺炎病毒(COVID-19)檢測,通常要數小時甚至數天才有結果。美國加州理工學院(CalTech) ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年10月07日

Global equity strategy amid the pandemic

... (EM). The COVID-19 could change the growth profile of the EM countries. During the global pandemic, China has been the best performing major economy in the world and the first to recover. While China ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-06

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