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... carlo del Monaco製作都有接近的外觀。但稍為不同的是此製作的布景沒有喧賓奪主之感,而且這次在香港 ...全文


APM Monaco南法選擇

時裝界有fast fashion,首飾界亦有每月推出新作的南法首飾APM Monaco,設計前衞富個性,新作系 ...全文



... 黑白DVD(Del Monaco主演),更親睹芭比埃利七情上面演阿姝芊娜的風采!當然,拿當年這些天皇巨星與今日 ...全文


英漢地鐵捅人 加州槍擊案涉IS

... 問莫納科(Lisa Monaco)指出,應尋求更多不同的伊斯蘭社群聲音,以對抗IS激進思想宣傳。 國務院前官員 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年12月07日


... 。」 位於新店櫥窗的Monaco sofa是最新焦點,也是Frans第一件和品牌聯手的作品。出身藝術世家的Fr ...全文


黃又南 儍小子成熟時

... T 服裝:Club Monaco [email protected] 撰文:吳雄 攝影:陳縱宇 部分圖片由受訪 ...全文


Ralph Lauren hires Old Navy executive to replace him as CEO

... olo, Club Monaco and Denim & Supply, and the company makes clothing, accessories, furniture, home decor items and footwear under its labels. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-30

摩納哥 感受王妃傳奇

說起摩納哥(Monaco),男生大多聯想到緊張刺激的一級方程式賽車,或是紙醉金迷的蒙地卡羅賭場;換了是女生,總 ...全文


我行我素 漫不經意

... 由鱷魚皮或小羊皮製的Monaco袋,還有以鴕鳥皮或仿古皮革製的Tour袋。優閒袋則包括鴕鳥皮或鹿皮製的柔軟背包 ...全文


Wanda boss buys a Monet, China Telecom chief dines at Tsui Wah

... annes and Monaco for the staff to form the largest-ever human chain which, when viewed from the sky, read, "Tiens' Dream is Nice in the Cote d'Azur." The whole affair was to celebrate the company's 20 ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-12

6,400 staff of Chinese firm get fully paid vacation in France

... annes and Monaco on the Riviera for the trip celebrating the company's 20th anniversary. The firm hired 146 buses to drive the employees around on their holiday, which included a private viewing of th ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-11

A silk glove for China's iron fist

... e size of Monaco on reclaimed land in Colombo – a "port city" that will become a major stop on China's nautical "road". Zhou Bo, an honorary fellow with the PLA Academy of Military Science, admits tha ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-05

Michele Ferrero, world's richest candyman, dies at 89

... ed at his Monaco home after months of illness, BBC News reported. Italian President Sergio Mattarella paid tribute to Ferrero, calling him a "born entrepreneur". Observers noted that the tycoon breath ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-16

Chinese man nabbed over int'l diamond heists

... Malaysia, Monaco, Switzerland and the UK, according to a statement. In 2012, Meng was jailed for eight months in Monaco following an attempted theft, and was then transferred to France to serve his se ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-15

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