早前舉辦的首屆「香港綠色周」,滙聚了政商界、學界和初創企業,共同探討如何善用香港優勢,加速推動綠色科技和金融全 ...全文
去年7月,LVMH集團宣布斥資1.5億歐元贊助巴黎奧運及殘奧,已預視了本屆奧運可能成為最時尚、最講求工藝的一屆。隨着距離奧運越來越近,集團旗下的法國皇室御用珠寶商Chaumet操刀設計的奧運獎牌曝光,獎牌融合艾菲爾鐵塔的 物料及精湛工藝,突顯巴黎作為時尚之都的魅力。 TEXT BY JOYCE MOKPHOTO BY LVMH GROUP 2024年巴黎奧運籌委會主席Tony Estanguet ...More
EJ Insight2024-03-20
今年龍年,國際知名時裝設計師Mark Fast以威猛的龍做靈感,在海港城打造了一幅巨型手繪3D畫,成為一個打卡 ...全文
法國總統馬克龍上月改組內閣,最受矚目的是薩爾科齊時代的司法部長達蒂(Rachida Dati)驚喜回朝,出任文 ...全文
As the 2024 US presidential primary campaign season begins, the most likely final contest is a rematch between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Judging by the electoral map in 2020, Biden would b ...More
EJ Insight2023-06-02
Hong Kong retail businesses have long been making successful waves within their regional markets. However, for a brand to become a truly global player, expansion outside of the Asian market is a vital ...More
EJ Insight2022-06-07
As we approach the end of 2021, the European Union is debating its choices and priorities in an increasingly dangerous world. Europe has succeeded since 1945 in realizing its foundational “peace proje ...More
EJ Insight2021-12-01
法國官員上周六表示,兩年前遭到大火嚴重損毀的巴黎聖母院(Notre-Dame de Paris)完成結構鞏固工 ...全文
Friends and allies have come to distrust the United States. Trust is closely related to truth, and President Donald Trump is notoriously loose with the truth. All presidents have lied, but never on su ...More
EJ Insight2020-12-07
為了讓2024年巴黎奧運會的觀眾能準時抵達比賽現場,法國着手推動提供從機場前往賽場的空中的士服務。巴黎機場公司 ...全文
2011年,政府曾訂立於2020年前把電動車佔全港私家車數量的比例提升至30%的目標,但現時香港已登記的電動私 ...全文
Paris moved within a hair's breadth on Monday of formally being chosen to host the 2024 Summer Olympics after rival candidate city Los Angeles agreed to accept the consolation prize of the 2028 Games ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-01