
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 ...150

MIT演講寄語畢業生 庫克:科技不失人性

... 新建成的Apple Park總部均完全使用再生能源。至於工廠等其他設施,有96%是由太陽能、風力或水力供電,令 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年06月13日


新地(00016)積極為元朗PARK YOHO Genova進行軟銷,項目料周內上載樓書,最快下周開價及推售。 ...全文


Woman in critical condition after bike collision in Ma Liu Shui

... r Science Park Road and collided head on with another bicycle coming from the opposite direction.  Yip was not wearing a helmet and landed on her head, while the other cyclist, a 27-year-old man, sust ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-12

天寰獨撐大市 兩日共售75戶

... 地(00016)元朗Park Yoho Genova,以及海之戀新一期海之戀.愛炫美有機會於本月底開售,屆時市 ...全文


交通便捷 優渥生活品味 東倫敦全新住宅Aberfeldy Village矚目登場

... 成蔭的Linear Park貫穿其中,配襯廣闊的草坪、豐富多樣的花草灌木,一年四季風景宜人。 每單位售價僅31 ...全文


Fellows Square罕有屋苑式分層

... Gladstone Park只要12分鐘,往Brent Cross Shopping Centre則約19分鐘 ...全文


新地破例 Genova最細229呎

... 「破例」,於旗下元朗PARK YOHO 2A期 PARK YOHO Genova,單位實用面積最細僅得229方 ...全文


倫敦後花園 明日玫瑰園
Cricklewood樓價五年漲38% 仍低水

... Gladstone Park,面積約35公頃,接近2個本港維多利亞公園(19公頃)般大,設有植物園、野生動物園 ...全文


China’s new area unlikely to succeed in next 10 years: Analyst

...  Triangle Park (RTP) in North Carolina,” Dan said. As one of the most prominent high-tech R&D parks in the US, RTP was created out of nothing in 1959. “With the government’s preferential policies, ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-09


... )落實6月開售的元朗PARK YOHO 2A期PARK YOHO Genova將於下周上載樓書,率先開放示範單 ...全文


預售樓花上月零申請 4年首次

... 0016)發展的元朗PARK YOHO 2A期(PARK YOHO Genova),提供683伙;另有興勝創建 ...全文



... 名的Stanley Park,大自然風光美不勝收。難怪「溫馬」曾多次被《福布斯》雜誌評選為世界最佳馬拉松賽事( ...全文


鬧市桃源 天空花園

... 界各地的Urban Park,在工業建築與大自然的交滙處感受不同城市的性格,於是在他規劃的SKYPARK,就以 ...全文


Genova定價勢貴過PARK YOHO 1A

新地(00016)元朗PARK YOHO 2A期PARK YOHO Genova,預計一至兩周內上載樓書,本月 ...全文


Why Beijing wants the Basic Law to be taught in schools

On Sunday more than 110,000 people attended the annual vigil at Victoria Park to remember the victims of the bloody crackdown on the student-led democracy movement in Tiananmen Square in 1989. They w ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-06

What patriotism means for June 4 commemoration

Although 28 years have passed, the people of Hong Kong still have vivid and unforgettable memories of the June 4 crackdown, and tens of thousands of our fellow citizens gathered at Victoria Park on Su ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-06

CUHK student union calls for end to June 4 events

...  Victoria Park on Sunday for the candlelight vigil to mark the 28th anniversary of China's crackdown on pro-democracy protests in and around Beijing's Tianamen Square. Organizers said the event drew s ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-05

The Spaniards' love-hate feelings towards General Franco

... tion has sparked a fierce debate in Spain over whether the country should re-evaluate Franco’s political legacy. The left in Spain have every reason to hate Franco so much. He toppled the left-wing Re ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-05


... 元)的27歲南韓青年Park Hyo-jin說:「眼下還是一種和股票一樣的投機形式。」 不過,比特幣在亞洲普遍 ...全文


How Shanghai Disney park turned profitable so quickly

Costing 34 billion yuan to build, the Shanghai Disney park was once predicted to be a money loser for years given its small size and high ticket prices. Even Chinese property tycoon Wang Jianlin said ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-02

頁數:1...115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 ...150

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