
共 944 個結果
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US regulators probe pre-IPO sales amid buying frenzy

... t Silicon Valley-based Sand Hill Exchange, which operated a website designed to allow people to buy and sell contracts related to the value of private companies and their securities. -- Contact us at ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-06


... 國納帕谷(Napa Valley)及法國香檳區這兩大釀酒區的市場。 有買家表示,兩部山葉的無人機售價高達20萬 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年07月06日


... 他谷大學(Utah Valley University)便將校內梯級分為步行(walk)、奔跑(run)和打短 ...全文


Creating Hong Kong's own startup ecosystem

Startups have been on the rise in Hong Kong in recent years. However, people in industry circles doubt if Hong Kong can be the next Silicon Valley of Asia, given that the city has no comparable ecosys ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-27

Battle over US Confederate flag spreads from South Carolina

... g makers, Valley Forge Flag, said Tuesday it would stop manufacturing and selling Confederate flags. "We hope that this decision will show our support for those affected by the recent events in Charle ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-24

敍利亞難民湧入 鄰國不勝負荷

... 卡谷地(Bekka Valley)的「非正式帳幕營地」。趙煥明形容營地環境十分惡劣,政府難以管理,有如香港當年 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年06月19日


... n Antonio Valley)——非常新的產區,是眾多智利產區中最靠近海洋的,氣候清涼,產酒酸度十分高。這 ...全文


China should learn from high-tech sector in Taiwan

... n Silicon Valley and Manhattan. By contrast, there is a huge talent shortage in China, especially in the manufacturing sector. Fewer and fewer people are willing to get involved in manufacturing, beca ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-13

Are Elon Musk's Tesla Energy batteries safe?

Personally, I find Silicon Valley's new darling Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla Motors Inc., a real showoff, but he is not a snake oil salesman. He is Henry Ford (cars), Wernher von Braun (rockets) an ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-11

Why luxury flats will have more takers in HK

... rom Happy Valley to The Peak, measures 5,177 square feet, and is spread over the ground and first floors of the building. Other features are a 3,245-square foot garden -- which is not included in the ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-09

SoftBank to invest US$1 bln in Korea e-commerce firm Coupang

... , Silicon Valley and Los Angeles, it said in December. Mobile sales account for more than 75 percent of Coupang’s revenue. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-03

US$100,000 check awaits woman who donated rare Apple 1 computer

A recycling firm in Silicon Valley is looking for a woman in her 60s who dropped off a rare Apple 1 computer along with other electronic goods in April. A US$100,000 check is waiting for her. CleanBay ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-01


... anta Ynez Valley),在洛杉磯西北約200公里,佔地2700英畝。童心未泯的米高積遜1987年以 ...全文


供應有限 格外矜貴

... 巴巴厘(River Valley),除滙聚新加坡頂級豪宅,更是全國消費零售黃金地段,烏節路兩旁盡是商廈、酒店及 ...全文


多倫多北約克豪華別墅Concord Park Place

... ,404及 Don Valley Parkway,步行3分鐘可至Bessarion 地鐵站、7分鐘至GO火車站 ...全文


Michael Jackson ranch up for grabs for US$100 mln

...  Sycamore Valley Ranch but retains some of its Jackson-era features including the iconic floral clock and firehouse, although it is no longer staffed. The amusement park rides are gone as are the oran ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-29

Don't forget Gurkhas' contribution to Hong Kong

... y park or valley in Hong Kong where I didn’t set my foot during my army training. It started from Castle Peak range in the east, to Lo Wu, Mai Po, Man Kam To, Ta Kwu Ling, Sha Tau Kok and Plover Cove ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-21

US charges six Chinese nationals with economic espionage

... n Silicon Valley and throughout California continues to be vulnerable to coordinated and complex efforts sponsored by foreign governments to steal that technology," a prosecutor was quoted as saying i ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-20

Start-up to launch 'ear talk' device with funding from TriBeluga

... n Silicon Valley and Beijing, then we will help Chinese start-ups to break into the US and Korea, US start-ups into China and Korea, and Korean start-ups into China and the US," she said. “The incubat ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-19


... 稱為 「Happy Valley」,含有「極樂世界」的意思。 現今跑馬地馬場通常在星期三晚上舉行賽事,馬場中間 ...全文


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