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... West Palm Beach)投票。特朗普去年把其家庭住址從紐約改到佛州的海湖莊園(Mar-a-Lago)。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年10月24日

澳洲去年最貴洋房佔兩席 造價迭創傳奇

... rsley Bay Beach、Milk Beach和Queens Beach,每逢周末和假日,不少區外居民都 ...全文


How Japan’s longest serving prime minister dealt with China

... lk on the beach with then Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, the two men came up with a strategy to conclude the trade accord without the United States. The success of that effort is testamen ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-01

How Japan's longest serving prime minister dealt with China

... lk on the beach with then Australian prime minister Mal ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2020年09月30日

The dream of flying and traveling again

...  relaxing beach and spa in Phuket or Bali, many of us cannot even fancy to visit the Greater Bay Area – including Macau - because of the complicated quarantine arrangement. Still some of my friends ar ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-09

資深工程師寫小說 甄子明把塵封歷史真相還原

甄子明(CM)是一名工程師,八十年代愉景灣海燕徑的一排矮樓,他有份參與興建,「還有沙灘嗰堆,叫做Beach V ...全文


A tale of two crises: Covid-19 and plastic waste

... etre-long beach on Soko Islands, southwest of Lantau Island. In April, French government alone has ordered two billion of disposable masks, “we’ll run the risk of having more masks than jellyfish in t ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-26

侵侵言行不一 取佛州郵寄選票

... 棕櫚灘縣(Palm Beach County)選舉監督網站的紀錄,他和第一夫人梅拉尼婭(Melania Tru ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年08月15日

玻璃餐桌 清涼海洋

... 涼優美的Coral Beach餐桌出自設計師Mac Stopa之手。15毫米厚的長形餐桌,邊緣弧線柔和,四角圓 ...全文


星洲South Beach Residences推售 340萬坡元起

發展商委託中原地產為新加坡South Beach Residences香港銷售代理,將於本周六及日於銅鑼灣中原 ...全文


長周末樂極生悲 佛州泳灘爆槍擊

... 灘(Daytona Beach)的海濱大道,開派對和跳舞。然而,警方未及執法,當地下午已出現打鬥,在一家便利店 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年05月26日

疫情之下 澳洲人何時夢醒

... 迪海灘(Bondi Beach)。每逢假日,年輕人都喜歡去那裏游泳滑浪,開沙灘派對,喝酒尋歡。那一個星期五,邦 ...全文


居港英國人踏足偏遠海灘 記錄棄置口罩災情

... ex on the beach,反而他曾發現一個sex doll on the beach! 體形龐大的Gar ...全文



... 岸府」(South Beach Residences),位於第7郵區政府大廈(City Hall)小區美芝路, ...全文


China hands 10-year prison term to HK bookseller Gui Minhai

...  the Thai beach resort of Pattaya before surfacing, like the others, in detention in mainland China. Three of his colleagues were detained in mainland China while another was widely thought to have be ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-25

溫布萊近水得財 獨立屋搶手

... 達的Floreat Beach和Scarborough Beach。 珀斯樓價僅悉尼一半 物業代理公司Act ...全文


Thais concerned about growing Chinese economic presence

...  climate, beach resorts, the sex industry, varied cuisine and a well-developed tourist industry. In 2018, Thailand ranked fourth in the world for Chinese property investment, with estimates of purchas ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-06

Thais concerned about growing Chinese economic presence

...  climate, beach resorts, the sex industry, varied cuisi ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2020年02月06日


...  on Dover Beach,那是目下研究爵爺的唯一專書,卷首說的正是這個故事,還恨恨其事:the Guar ...全文


Utopeer Overseas 布吉物業投資講座

... 林海灘(Surin Beach),當中約4成單位享有無敵海景,三分鐘步行直達海灘,限量單位提供三年租金保證共2 ...全文


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