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... ishop停車場位於Beach Road和Remembrance Drive交界處,該停車場為全自動化運營,擁 ...全文


Otis unveils new technology for safer, personalized lift service

... s in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and several other Otis projects in Europe. Lennon believes Otis’ IoT-powered solutions fit into the Hong Kong government’s smart city initiative, which seeks to merge ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-17

閒情逸致 西澳珀斯

... 灘(Bathers Beach),風景怡人。鄰近的漁船港(Fishing Boat Harbour)碼頭建於1 ...全文


Ma Wan residents stage protest against plan to cut ferry trips

...  East Bay Beach to somewhere near the Tsing Ma Bridge to express their opposition to the plan. Shirley Wong Hang-wan, deputy chair of the Park Island owners’ committee, said water transport has been v ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-09

Man, 73, drowns while snorkeling in Tsuen Wan

A 73-year-old man drowned while snorkeling off the coast of Tsuen Wan on Sunday, Apple Daily reports. The victim, a retired shipyard worker surnamed Cheuk, started swimming at Approach Beach shortly a ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-09

COSCO Shipping wins US security clearance for OOIL deal

...  the Long Beach container terminal business to a third party. Ownership of that container terminal business will be transferred to a trust while a buyer is sought. COSCO said on June 30 that all pre-c ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-09

積水抽走40% 尋氣孔闢出路

... 」(Pattaya Beach),轉到洞內更深處的「女性胸部」岩丘(women's boobs),泰國海軍海豹 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年07月06日

泰少足隊奇蹟尋回 脫險仍須考驗
潛泳逃生難度極高 待水退恐困洞數月

... 」(Pattaya Beach)的岩丘更深入約400米,兩名英國搜救人員【見另稿】最先找到失蹤者,並且與他們交 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年07月04日

Junior soccer team found alive in Thai cave after nine days

...  “Pattaya Beach”, which could have provided the boys with a refuge when rains flooded the cave. “The SEALs reported that ... they reached Pattaya Beach which was flooded. So they went 400 meters furth ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-03


... 趣在冬天去Palm Beach探他。他是Mar-a-Lago會員,或者在那裏會碰到特朗普。 Mills很有眼光 ...全文


Beachgoers warned of poisonous golden fireworms

A lifeguards' union said fireworms had been sighted on some of the beaches of Hong Kong, and warned beachgoers to keep alert and stay away from these poisonous creatures, the Hong Kong Economic Journa ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-21

悉尼Dee Why北岸海灘區宜居三甲
分層住宅主導 半山眺望太平洋

... 海灘Dee Why Beach,向海住宅擁有的壯麗景致不言而喻。區內與海灘僅相距5至6分鐘步程的Monash ...全文


Races and free concerts set for Dragon Boat Carnival

... rtificial beach the size of two basketball courts with beach umbrellas and benches will also be set up in the area for the use of visitors. There will also be a free Sunset Concert on the beach on Jun ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-13

Tesla撞加州警車 司機稱處自駕模式

... 海灘(Laguna Beach)撞上1輛停泊的警車,警車上沒有人,肇事司機輕傷。 肇事司機於調查中表示,事發時 ...全文


歐陸融合菜 意法新滋味

... 行政總廚Conor Beach亦重新設計餐單,加入不同意大利元素,以新派意菜吸引更多饕客。 餐廳由大廚Con ...全文


峇里海洋節 人魚紅如火

印尼峇里島舉行海洋節,藝術家穿上色彩鮮艷的魚形服飾參加在潘達瓦海灘(Pandawa Beach)舉辦的慶典。印 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global金錢圖譜2018年05月12日


... 灘及碼頭》(The beach and pier at Trouville),畫面輕快,在簡單的大塊色彩上面勾 ...全文



... 哥華的Sunset Beach Park舉行,之前的十多年在市中心的藝館廣場舉行,可能因為藝館外的廣場大翻新完 ...全文


Mainland tourists flood Sai Kung beach for camping

As thousands of mainland tourists chose to spend the Labor Day "mini golden week" holiday in Hong Kong over the long weekend, most of the beaches in the suburbs of the city were covered with tents the ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02


... 加州長灘(Long Beach)新開的全食365超市(Whole Foods 365)內附設的餐館名為「黃熱」 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年04月30日

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