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Australian navy helps rescue thousands as new fire threat looms

... nded on a beach in the isolated town of Malla­coota in far-east Victoria, federal member of parliament Darren Chester tweeted on Friday morning. With all roads blocked, sea transport is the only way o ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-03

Mass evacuation in Australia as wildfires raze holiday towns

... ed on the beach since Monday night. Naval officials said they would open registration for evacuation on Thursday afternoon, with the HMAS Choules able to carry up to 1,000 people on the first trip. Th ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-02

幽默出蕉 喜劇收場

... sel Miami Beach)展出。 展出說明指出,卡特蘭創作的《喜劇演員》一年前便開始構思,他想創作一件外 ...全文


抹香鯨伏屍 肚藏百斤垃圾

... 海灘(Marina Beach)周末被一片白色泡沫覆蓋,不少孩子被泡沫吸引,紛紛走入海中玩耍。但當地傳媒報道, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月03日

國際城區 港人移民不足1%

...  Paradise Beach)便被評為澳洲東岸最佳的海灘之一,幾乎是所有旅行團必到的景點。 除陽光與海灘,滑 ...全文


香港每名脊醫服務3萬市民 準脊醫溫浩庭病人包括初生BB

... 奮:「那裏有個很大的beach,非常出名,就在我們學校不遠處。」 華人學生於海外學校比例一向不低,Benedi ...全文


淡馬錫加持 CapitaMall Trust添動力

... 源深厚的頂尖商場(如Beach Road的Raffles Courtyard,或毗鄰Marina Bay的Th ...全文



美國總統特朗普確認,將於總統任期結束後從紐約曼哈頓,遷往佛羅里達州的棕櫚灘(Palm Beach)永久居住。 ...全文


Guarding against fake news

... leaning a beach actually showed a group of totally unconnected people on a beach in Scotland. Photos showing military action, civil disturbances and extreme weather are constantly circulated online wi ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28

Huawei says open to 'no backdoor' agreement with India

... an Indian beach town in a bid to resolve border disputes, trade rows and ease concerns about China’s close military ties with India’s arch rival, Pakistan. “India cannot afford to wait longer for 5G,” ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-15

富豪家族增持現金 憂經濟衰退股市冧

... 研究會議(Palm Beach Investment Research), 為佛羅里達州棕櫚灘的35個家族辦公 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年09月25日

騰訊行使可換股債 增持Supercell至51.2%

... 海島奇兵(Boom Beach)等。 ...全文



... 島奇兵」(Boom Beach)及「卡通農場」(Hay Day)。 ...全文


Chinese national convicted for trespassing at Trump US resort

... o in Palm Beach. Baffling behavior marked Zhang’s trial in US District Court in Fort Lauderdale from the start. She insisted on acting as her own lawyer despite Judge Altman’s entreaties. The central ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-12


... (Peregian Beach)住宅區也受到威脅,據報有一幢建築物被毀。 昆士蘭消防部門表示,該州130年以來 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年09月11日

礦業新星 福兮禍所伏

... 海灘(Avalon Beach)買下度假別墅。德馬庫斯在網誌形容悉尼有家的感覺,阿瓦隆活像天堂。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2019年07月27日


... 及棕櫚灘(Palm Beach)均有置業,二人私交甚篤,多年來時有來往。 直至2016年特朗普參選總統,當時登 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年07月16日

Australia watchdog sues Samsung over 'misleading' phone ads

... table for beach or pool use suggested the firm considered water could cause damage. “Samsung showed the Galaxy phones used in situations they shouldn’t be to attract customers,” Sims said. “Samsung’s ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-05


... 怪,外國的nude beach多的是,裸泳天體海灘等閒,是我們這些中國人才𠵱哇鬼叫的要去偷窺見識。噢,還有,上 ...全文


Why luxury goods shops have reason to worry

... ut at the beach or in air-conditioned coffee shops rather than gather in front of Tamar or police headquarters and cause mayhem. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-02

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