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Photo of drowned migrants triggers row over Trump clampdown

... d up on a beach in Turkey in 2015. Kurdi was part of a Syrian refugee wave that caused panic in Europe, prompting Turkey to effectively shut down the migrant route through Greece at the European Union ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-27

首以ABS售18飛機 新創建合營套50億

...  至於股權證書部分,Beach Point Capital Management LP持有當中30%,成為基礎 ...全文


辦公室如屠殺戰場 半年來最血腥

... (Virginia Beach)市政中心,甫入內即亂槍掃射,結果3個樓層和停車場共12人喪命;其中11名死者是 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年06月03日


... 的,不是披頭四,就是Beach Boys、Neil Diamond……亦就是這樣,明明知道搬家是很痛苦的一回事 ...全文


Virtual reality relieves pain of patients

... ving in a beach in Thailand. As a result, she forgot her pain within a few minutes. After half an hour of treatment, she was temporarily relieved of the pain for three hours. VR treatment is also used ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-06


... 國私募基金Palm Beach曾同意購入Medall Healthcare 93%股權,出價約145億印度盧比 ...全文


報復紐清真寺槍擊 FBI臥底粉碎陰謀

... 城市長灘(Long Beach)引爆大殺傷力武器,以殺死當日參與極右遊行的美國白人至上主義者。多名戈上周視察示 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年05月01日

淡市逆流向上 成交價頻破頂

... (Rose Bay Beach),附近有高爾夫球場和帆船俱樂部,散發濃厚的度假氛圍。 玫瑰灣環境怡人,住宅當然 ...全文


Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela

... p in Palm Beach on Thursday on a swing through South Florida, home to the largest community of Venezuelan exiles in the United States. Rosales also plans to meet with lawmakers on Capitol Hill and mem ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-28

無法黏合不成材 無權無勇徒悲傷

... 只好為之「再進補」(beach renourishment,日譯「養浜〔濱〕」,甚佳),即有關政府只有「不惜工 ...全文



... 州棕櫚灘(Palm Beach)的私人俱樂部海湖莊園(Mar-a-Lago)度周末。 報道指出,特朗普多年來利 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月20日

Missing TransLantau race runner found safe, resting in hotel

... ilvermine Beach Hotel. Lam and his wife met at the hotel under arrangements made by the police. It was understood that Lam felt tired after he was past Tai O, so he decided to check into the hotel to ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-04


... 哈馬的豬灘(Pig Beach),那是一座陽光與海灘的小島,住客不是人類,聚居者全是優哉游哉的肥豬。豬灣居民不 ...全文


Dead pig found on beach tests negative for African swine flu

A pig found lying dead on a Cheung Chau beach has tested negative for swine flu, Hong Kong authorities said on Thursday, helping ease worries among the public about a possible spread of the virus from ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-18

ABC群島 逍遙代名詞

... 老鷹灘(Eagle Beach)是其中最值得去的海灘,灘上沙細如粉,設施齊全。最特別的是在沙灘上長有兩顆獨特的 ...全文


香港飛碟學會會長方仲滿 天線駁通外星客

... 友家在Venice Beach有兩套房子,那裏是breakdance的發源地,海邊那條路盡是最騎呢的人,在地上 ...全文


半島城區三面環海 度假情懷滿溢

... 鯨魚灘(Whale Beach)。 今年新盤源僅14個 網上點擊率高 Domain高級研究分析師鮑威爾(Ni ...全文


西望海港大橋 賞煙花勝地

... le on the Beach,早於1885年開業,更是澳洲第一家海鮮餐廳。 屈臣氏灣除吸引不少當地遊人,也是 ...全文


How HK and Canada have a shared chapter in history

... d at Juno Beach and secured a beachhead for the Allied forces, which marked the beginning of their push towards Berlin. At the same time, Canada also made substantial troop commitments to the Far East ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-27

Tsunami kills at least 222 in Indonesia after volcano eruption

... i hit the beach and residential areas in Pandeglang on Java, dragging with it victims, debris, and large chunks of wood and metal. Anak Krakatau, which lies roughly halfway between Java and Sumatra, h ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-24

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