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... 開了新店Happy Paradise,八十年代的士高氛圍、茶餐廳裝修,賣的是破格中菜:帶子腸粉(不是腸粉包住帶 ...全文


Europe in the time of Trump

... so-called Paradise Papers has again exposed those – including many in Trump’s cabinet – who have poured large amounts of money into offshore tax havens. Now is the time for the EU to develop a fully p ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-09

Apple chose Jersey as new offshore tax haven: Paradise Papers

A set of leaked financial documents nicknamed the "Paradise Papers" shows that Apple stashed its cash stockpile to the tiny British island of Jersey, to continue avoiding billions in taxes. The Intern ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-08

EU's Vestager seeking details on Apple's recent tax set-up

... d on the “Paradise Papers” which showed that Apple shifted key parts of its business to Jersey as an offshore tax haven in a move to maintain a low tax rate. Apple has said no operations were moved fr ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-08


... 17號單位,亦在倫敦Paradise Road 17號買了一幢獨立屋準備遷居,更隱藏身份邀請蔡思韵遠赴當地,為 ...全文


New technology to reshape dining experience

Hong Kong is widely regarded as a culinary paradise that offers eaters a wide variety of food and international cuisines. As a smart city, how can Hong Kong improve the dining experience of customers ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-29

流連忘返 瑞士策馬特

... n Glacier Paradise冰川天堂,被38座四千米級別的阿爾卑斯巍峨山峰包圍,橫跨瑞士、意大利與法國 ...全文



... cky Means Paradise,此曲很快就打入鄉謠榜前20名金曲;4年後,他赴洛杉磯發展,不久即以出眾的 ...全文



... 指出,南韓天堂公司(Paradise Co)及大韓休閒公司(Grand Korea Leisure),2015 ...全文



... 多少受到Happy Paradise的啟發,他們的沙律沒有醬汁,主要靠磨碎了的豆豉調味,於是我便想到用台灣買回 ...全文


Happy Paradise

... w主持的Happy Paradise嘗到;做菜的是,她從澳洲請回來的廚師。 處理柚皮去澀過程跟其他廚師沒有分別 ...全文


What's hot and what's not about global FDI flows in 2015

... emained a paradise for European and American investors, but has also become an important safe haven for mainland tycoons and officials who seek to move their money offshore. Coincidentally, Hong Kong ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-02


... nger Than Paradise)則拍於1984年,劇情描述紐約嬉皮士與友人因欺詐而贏得一筆錢,從而一起流 ...全文



在加拿大,想不到有什麼好吃時,就吃牛肉。 這天訂不到理想餐廳,想起以前在妹妹家不遠有家叫Paradise專吃牛 ...全文



中韓因「薩德」(THAAD)問題而關係轉差之際, 南韓首間賭場度假村百樂達斯城(Paradise City)昨 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年04月21日

Asia's 50 Best(中)

... 的新餐廳Happy Paradise剛於兩個星期前開幕,主打新派中菜,大家所熟悉的杏汁豬肺湯、潮州凍魚、黃酒雞 ...全文


Xenophobia in Hong Kong? We are far from it, thankfully

... be a true paradise for immigrants compared to Europe and North America. That said, in recent years our city has also witnessed the rise of nativism and xenophobic sentiment that is predominantly direc ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-06

Odd and outdated: HK in the eyes of a Shanghai architect

...  shopping paradise status is somehow pompous as well, he said, after visiting a number of landmark malls and commercial precincts. Many local amenities pale in comparison with newer complexes in Shang ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-20

How much do you know about Old Hong Kong?

... akes it a paradise for hikers. But have you ever wondered what it was like a hundred years ago? Since the cession of Hong Kong Island by the Qing dynasty to the British, reclamation projects have mush ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-17

[Hong Kong's Top Story 2016] The African Tulip Tree

... Living in Paradise? The woman came back into the room and glanced at the paper. “It’s time for this family to change direction,” the man declared, tapping the newspaper. He went over to the window an ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-19

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