... 集中發展在倫敦中心(Central London)附近、但經鐵路可以方便接駁入倫敦中心的地段,「簡單而言,即用 ...全文
中環MY CENTRAL中層C室,實用面積663方呎,2房間隔。單位新近以每月3.4萬元租出,實用呎租逾51元 ...全文
中環MY CENTRAL低層E室,實用面積821方呎,3房1套連儲物室間隔,以4萬元租出,實用呎租49元,屬市 ...全文
... one that central banks and bank regulators around the world should take to heart as the debate over capital requirements heats up again. Experience shows that marginal increases in capital ratios, or ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-27
... the Saudi Central Bank SAMA, the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates (CBUAE), and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) announced this summer. Not only will these collaborations allow us to inn ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-25
Whither the G20? Following the latest G20 summit, held in New Delhi earlier this month, there is no longer any doubt about India’s central position in global power politics. But questions about the G2 ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-21
... d how key central banks will balance this against signs of economic weaknesses continue, the region’s exchanges are pushing out new products, such as new U.S. Treasury bond ETF futures in Taiwan, to h ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-19
... sland, to Central - the focal point of hustle and bustle in town. Or that you can schedule eight to nine meetings within three hours, for it would only take you minutes to get from one meeting venue t ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-18
... ad pushed central banks around the entire world to act aggressively, reaching interest levels not seen in decades. Such high interest rates were expected to have brought the U.S. and European economie ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-15
... by other central banks and governments was prevented with exchange controls and commercial threats. Such measures were antithetical to international currency status. Contrary to the textbook view of ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-15
... 兩大旗艦商場MCP CENTRAL & MCP DISCOVERY(新都城中心2期及3期)及MOSTo ...全文
... culture’s central role in the developing world: in some of the least-developed countries, it accounts for more than 25% of GDP, while 52% of employed people in Sub-Saharan Africa are active in the sec ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-14
... g Our New Central Harbourfront x AI企劃」,首次融入全球科技新趨勢生成式人工 ...全文
英 國 倫 敦 Ealing 區 交 通 四 通 八 達, 現 時 倫敦 地 鐵 主 要 的 Central ...全文
... III、中環ONE CENTRAL PLACE,以及黃竹坑海盈山已獲發預售樓花同意書,集團預期有一個住宅項目將 ...全文
... een Swan: Central Banking and Financial Stability in th ...全文
... rn to its central position. As for the BRICS, the group could be more effective, on the margins, if key members were truly serious about pursuing shared goals. But China and India rarely agree on anyt ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-28
... Property Central行政總裁Zoe Ward透露,多個新加坡客戶希望盡快買入日本酒店項目,金額最 ...全文
... 立「中部公約組織」(Central Treaty Organisation)。部分因為1975年越戰結束和19 ...全文