
共 580 個結果
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Frederick Fung quits ADPL, says he'll focus on social issues

... up that will focus on people’s livelihood issues and fight for public welfare, in ways that are different from what ADPL is adopting. According to Fung, he was ready to leave ADPL last month, but put ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-13


... 見。) 七、You'll have to face up to the harsh realities of ...全文


Facebook eases ban on cryptocurrency ads

...  banning all ads related to cryptocurrencies in a move aimed at curbing scams, Agence France-Presse reports.  To place ads on Facebook for cryptocurrencies, companies will now need to be pre-approved ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-27

扮學生探班 劉鳴煒獲讚

... days. You'll be surprised.(尋找這些日子他們如何教授通識教育。你會感驚訝。)」 ...全文


Chatbots: 'Say hello to my little friend'

Need some information quickly? Chances are if you are online typing in your request, a chatbot will be dealing with it. The industry is developing in leaps and bounds and becoming essential for custom ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-05

Battle of the Brands: Who'll be the winners of Russia 2018?

With football's World Cup a matter of weeks away the world’s attention has already started shifting towards Russia, with all eyes increasingly focused on the likes of Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium and Sar ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-23

How fake news and faulty logic can derail Trump's peace plans

As US President Donald Trump ponders his next moves in the high-stakes chess game on the Korean peninsula before meeting North Korean leader Kim Jong-un next month (if the summit actually takes place ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-17

What'll happen if China begins big import of Philippine workers?

... substantially higher wages for the workers. That is because of fears that raising the average wage of the workers could render them uncompetitive in the labor market. Now, the current president, Rodri ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-14

浪遊足球聖地 曼徹斯特

... 市中心Piccadilly Gardens乘搭255號巴士,至Old Trafford, Chester Ro ...全文


曾任警察 涉逾12宗謀殺45項強姦案

美國加州上世紀七八十年代令人聞風喪膽的「金州殺手」(Golden State Killer),在犯案後逾40年 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年04月27日


在美國,人們會贈送Oh, the Places You'll Go!(作者Dr Seuss,1990出版)給將 ...全文



...  South名作I'll Sail This Ship Alone,做事獨行獨斷。 譯自:THE LEX CO ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年04月20日

Kim's visit to China: you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

The North Korea nuclear crisis took a totally unexpected turn last week when Kim Jong-un paid a four-day visit to Beijing and met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. It was Kim’s first known foreign trip ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-03

Why HK property is vulnerable to China-US trade war

... items at all. The US has targeted China's new energy cars, medical equipment, aviation, and biopharma products. The administration of US President Donald Trump has largely ignored electronic products, ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-27

討回多年被佔便宜 美國強橫不擇手段

... e with」 Bill Maher)之口,博爾頓及其僱主未出告票,大概在本港亦沒什麼雅與不雅的道德問題吧。 ...全文



... 受體,令其分泌一個叫LL-37蛋白質;後者再而刺激角質細胞分泌「血管內皮細胞生長因子」,會促使皮膚的血管(包括 ...全文



... 冠軍,故事名稱是I'll Have What She's Having。我說真巧,自己幾個月前也不約而同引用了 ...全文


SpaceX Mars ship could be ready for short flights in 2019: Musk

... sk, the billionaire founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, told an audience that his timeline for Mars-related test flights is early as next year. "We are building the first Mars, or interplanetary ship, ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-13

Springer狂擴充 業績差股暴跌

德國小說家伯爾(Heinrich Böll)在1974年推出的名作The Lost Honor of Kath ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年03月12日

Finding the right tutor: A few things to remember

As the May exam season approaches, students find themselves in a situation where they need to pull out all the stops and give it everything they've got. It is common for students at this time to feel ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-02

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