
共 2855 個結果
頁數:1...131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 ...143

How to deal with the queue jumper

... y or artifice that they exercise. The classic queue jumper waltzes up to the front displaying a haughty contempt for all those waiting patiently in line. Carried off with a certain élan, people assume ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-22


早前到加拿大多倫多度假探親,朋友少不免問我是否去酒莊喝冰酒(Ice Wine),因為這次私務繁忙,行程緊密,未 ...全文


Buffett flagship sued over workers' compensation 'siphoning'

... ing to unlicensed out-of-state insurers, the wire agency said. The plan amounted to a "reverse Ponzi scheme" where unsuspecting employers expecting to buy affordable policies instead bought costly "re ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-13


... A Song of Ice and Fire,由頭細讀起來。 作者George RR Martin的功力,說他 ...全文


An improved recipe for Cantonese roast pork belly

... on five-spice powder1 teaspoon kencur powder1.5 tablespoons Shaoxing wine Method1. Wash the slab of pork belly thoroughly.2. Add the slab in a large pot of water. Heat the pot till water boils, and co ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-02

Margarita Forés: A chef's winning recipe

... ng shaved ice, sweet beans, fruit, tapioca and ube ice cream that is served in a tall glass or bowl. Embedded with a lot of uniqueness and complexity, Filipino cuisine could be a difficult concept to ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-02

Kanazawa: Golden sweet city frozen in time

... apping on ice cream and fine food. A soft serve ice cream cone becomes a highly sought-after commodity when topped with the golden additive. A vanilla ice cream costs more than twice the regular price ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-02

Earliest fossils found in Greenland rocks 3.7 bln years old

...  snow and ice exposed long-hidden rocks. Greenland's government hopes that a thaw linked to global warming will have positive spin-offs, such as exposing more minerals. – Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-01

2-inch nail found inside Nestlé ice-cream cone

A two-inch screw nail was found inside a Nestlé ice-cream cone purchased at a ParknShop outlet in Tsz Wan Shan, prompting fears of food contamination, Apple Daily reports. A lady surnamed Lo said she ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-24

慈善教育相結合 學生視野更國際

2014年夏天,肌肉萎縮性側面硬化病協會(ALSA)運用社交媒體,發起冰桶挑戰(Ice Bucket Chal ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalSimon’s Glocal Chatroom沈旭暉 EJ GLOBAL plus2016年08月20日

Ex-Philippine leader seeks to rekindle ties with Beijing

... a with an ice-breaker trip to Hong Kong, the Philippine Daily Inquirer reports. Ramos, 88, is accompanied by his wife Amelita and Rafael Alunan III, his interior minister during his presidency. In a p ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-09

HK man caught with two bottles of sperm at Lo Wu

Shenzhen border officers caught a Hong Kong resident trying to smuggle two bottles of sperm from the mainland, allegedly to be used for artificial insemination. The man was accused of violating health ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-04


... 證券正尋求批准推出與ICE美國政府20年期以上債券指數掛鈎的槓桿及反向ETF。這將成為首對在台灣推出的固定收益 ...全文


Anti-illegal parking drive draws allegations of unfair treatment

The stepped-up campaign against illegal parking has drawn accusations of unfair treatment with traffic policemen seen bearing down on delivery vehicles while ignoring violations involving private seda ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-29

Amazon's Bezos overtakes Buffett as third richest person: Forbes

... s share price rose further in after-hours trading, after the Seattle-based company reported better-than-expected second-quarter results. It earned US$857 million in the second quarter, or US$1.78 per ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-29

高頻世界 好戲連場

... 的兩個交易所CME及ICE,於2015年6月處罰了3Red Trading LLC的虛假落盤。同年11月美國的 ...全文


Where in the world is Pokemon GO like this?

... famous police beating?) as in Beijing's Liaison Office in Sai Ying Pun. Civic Square is probably off limits to the yellow creature but who knows? The government might reopen it and see what happens. I ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-26

2016 set be world's hottest year on record: WMO

... rctic sea ice melt and "new highs" in carbon dioxide levels, point to quickening climate change, it said. June marked the 14th straight month of record heat, the UN agency said, according to Reuters.  ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-22

Beat the summer heat and enjoy some guilty pleasures

... i-colored ice cream, seasonal fruit and sweet toppings. Its premium line is Hong Kong-style parfaits but you'd be lucky to get one. It's limited to 20 servings a day. The coffee-tea parfait is anchore ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-15


... ries, hot ice creams for cold days, cow that give choco ...全文


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