
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 ...150

What our youth need today

The headlines say it all. The suicide rate amongst 15-24 year olds in Hong Kong rose to a record high of 12.2 deaths per 100,000 people, as compared with just over a half of this number 8 years ago. 2 ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

The rage of the outsiders

One of the biggest mistakes I ever made as a journalist was to underestimate Geert Wilders, now the leader (and only formal member) of the most popular political party in the Netherlands, and potentia ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

Fed Balance sheet run-off will likely end in second half of 2024

The FOMC has started to reduce the size of its balance sheet in June 2022 to complement the rate hiking cycle that had started two months earlier. Its primary objective was to remove excess liquidity ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

Navigating the future: Cloud trends and predictions 2024

As we approach 2024, AI's evolution in the cloud market has ushered in a new era of innovation, reshaping infrastructure, services, and market dynamics, fostering sector-specific adaptation and techno ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

Be a mouse, not a lion: How to negotiate with China

When Western leaders or companies negotiate with China, they should be a mouse, not a lion. “Remember the Chinese proverb – two ears, one mouth – talk less and listen more. Endure silence.” This is th ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

聖公會聖西門呂明才中學 八字真言培訓「明日領袖」

... 音樂劇」,以Together為主題,編寫有關學校發展歷史與未來前瞻的劇目,邀請全校師生、家長、校友與區內人士觀 ...全文



... 拉坎德野戰軍紀實》(The Story of the Malakand Field Force)、《世界危機》 ...全文



... 「Dogs are the best friends of human beings」。然而,這個句子中「最好 ...全文


阿里唔爭氣 芒格留遺憾

... 之一(one of the biggest mistakes I ever made)。他坦言最主要是錯判了阿 ...全文


Be a mouse, not a lion – how to negotiate with China

... th China, they should be a mouse, not a lion. "Remember ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年11月30日

賽馬股市一線牽 芒格智慧此中尋

...  never go there. 此話原意是勸人做任何事都要顧及後果,這樣方能趨吉避凶,麻煩無法找上門來。可是 ...全文



... 眾看不到故事性更濃的The Supper at Emmaus,合情合理。 既然意大利巴洛克時期的反叛神童卡拉瓦 ...全文


NOVO LAND 2A設跌價保障 售88伙奪冠

... 。 恒地同系鰂魚涌THE HOLBORN本月也沽出17伙,利嘉閣地產為項目買家送出置業優惠,由即日起至12月 ...全文



... Battle of the Marne)報捷,雙方開始挖掘長達數百英里的戰壕;考慮到當年科技限制,戰事易守難攻 ...全文


How bad is the Hong Kong stock market? Take a look at Taiwan

Yesterday at 1:45pm, the Hang Seng Index was at 17,329, lower than Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX) , marking the first time in 30 years that HSI was lower than TAIEX. ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-29


新聞媒體The Information引述消息人士稱,聊天機械人ChatGPT開發商OpenAI,無意讓最大股 ...全文


Justice for climate migrants

In recent years, climate change has emerged as one of the leading drivers of migration. Shifting weather patterns, together with the growing severity and frequency of extreme weather events, have affe ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-29

Reducing water pipes leakage requires departmental collaboration

Water leakage in the public water networks is a perennial problem. Mainland media reported in 2021 that the leakage rate of water pipes in some cities and towns reached 30%, and the public water suppl ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-29

亞洲家庭治療學院臨床總監 李維榕:小孩不用「教」

李維榕是亞洲家庭治療學院(Asian Academy of Family Therapy,AAFT,下稱學院) ...全文



... outh港附近的餐廳The Cove吃晚飯。選擇Caines的餐廳,因對他早有所聞,在電視上看過他與其他廚師比 ...全文


頁數:1...133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 ...150

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