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... ich街頭,當然還有Gucci天橋混搭的比利牛斯牧人貝雷帽;倘是法國唯一正宗羊毛呢絨手工壓製,鐵定出於此地。1 ...全文



... 到會遭發律師信。事緣Gucci早前指兩間位於北角的紙紮舖內的部分衣履、手袋和行李等紙紮祭品的商標與Gucci十 ...全文


Anti-counterfeiting coalition suspends Alibaba membership

...  Kors and Gucci America had pulled out of the coalition after Alibaba was welcomed into the group. The Wall Street Journal cited Michael Kors as saying in a letter to the IACC board that Alibaba's adm ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-16


... 多個國際知名品牌包括Gucci、Tiffany及Michael Kors等,近日相繼退出IACC,不滿該聯盟接 ...全文


First, Queen Elizabeth. Now, Tiffany. Who’s next?

... versary”. Gucci also quit the non-profit group within the past three weeks. It appears that Alibaba was wrongfooted by the reaction to its entry into the IACC. The firm declared Wednesday that it is e ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-13


...  ,TIF)繼古馳(Gucci)和Michael Kors後,11日成為又一家退出聯盟的知名品牌。 ...全文


Mainland man gets heavy jail term for robbing hotel guest

... bag and a Gucci purse nine hours later. A hotel employee helped the victim call the police. Yang returned to the mainland on the same day he left the hotel after he used the victim's cards to buy an i ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-11

淘寶網打假 奢侈品商附憑證

... 同月宣布退出聯盟後,Gucci亦於5月4日退出。Gucci所屬的開雲集團(Kering)去年因假貨問題將阿里告 ...全文


發信指紙紮手袋侵權 Gucci道歉

... ,今次輪到意大利名牌Gucci發律師信予6間紙紮店,指其售賣的祭品侵犯商標,要求他們停售,令到網民大呻「唔畀先 ...全文


Gucci sorry for action over branded funeral paper shoes

Gucci has apologized to its Hong Kong customers for its recent action over branded paper shoes used in ceremonial burning. The company said it regrets any misunderstandings, adding it remains "committ ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-06

'Exclusive': PR firm's plans for China revealed

...  or maybe Gucci about who nowadays are their numero uno clients. Sure, business is slacking off a bit, but ups and downs are what happen in the challenging, multifaceted world in which we live. The P ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-29

Gucci warns funeral accessory shops over branded paper shoes

Gucci is threatening legal action against two Hong Kong funeral accessory shops that sell branded paper shoes used in ceremonial burning. The Italian luxury goods company said the Gucci-branded paper ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-28


... 拉達,01913)及Gucci見生意轉差,早前更以半價促銷;另英國品牌Burberry因銷售跌,縮減店舖面積, ...全文



... 牧歌曬今皓月啊。 而Gucci明冬搶眼的一襲新裝,有着粉紅古風羊腿袖;黑絨小上身;曳地長裙密密麻麻,是緋紅雙翼 ...全文



繼2015秋冬系列廣告將Gucci帶上洛杉磯街頭後,品牌將旅程延伸至歐洲的柏林。這個每季帶我們遊歷各個城市的慣 ...全文


春彩潮色 錦繡男兒

最近,香港不斷討論二次創作的權利,而遠在意大利的Gucci就開宗明義於今個春夏季男裝發表二次創作的主論。設計師 ...全文



... 裹着鞋底。」她道。「Gucci今季也出了木屐。」 她甚少飛到外國看騷,只依靠時尚網站的資訊。「我都想過去睇,但 ...全文


Gucci makeover: Marble staircases, velvet armchairs

Velvet armchairs and marble staircases are the backdrop for Gucci’s new efforts to revive the ailing luxury brand. Its new creative director is betting big on the makeover. Alessandro Michele’s fall-w ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-22

Luxury retailers push HK landlords to cut store rents

... s such as Gucci and Balenciaga -- flooded to Hong Kong in recent years to take advantage of surging Chinese appetite for high-end goods. But now they are grappling with a challenge as China's economic ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-21

Shoplifter strikes Causeway Bay luxury shop twice in minutes

...  HK$3,000 Gucci wallet from a window display. She hides it underneath her cardigan and is gone from DunDun Italy Luxury shop in 10 seconds. About 12 minutes later, the woman returns to the same shop i ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-01

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