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濃妝淡抹 各具美態

... 業家Georges Claude手中變為商業招牌。去到五十年代,霓虹燈開始進駐香港街道,為東方之珠添上絢麗色彩 ...全文


Police look into burglary at French banker's luxury residence

... nal named Claude Haberer, who heads the Asia wealth management business for Swiss private bank Pictet. According to reports, the 59-year-old Haberer had leased the upper two floors of the four-storey ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-17

云爾錄 : 莫奈17名畫在港首展

香港文化博物館昨日公布,將推出「他鄉情韻──克勞德.莫奈作品展」,首次展出法國印象派大師莫奈(Claude M ...全文


莫奈17名作亮相香港 重現印象大師破傳統過程

... 美術館,以收藏莫奈(Claude Monet)兩幅大型長卷油畫《睡蓮》聞名,兩畫分置兩個橢圓形展覽廳,屋頂的玻 ...全文


Swiss watchmakers face another challenging year

... head Jean-Claude Biver. "The first quarter makes us think that we'll again outperform the market this year," Biver said, adding TAG Heuer was hiring staff to push ahead with its smartwatch project. Sw ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-18

納粹歷史深刻感悟 《天堂無門》與《大浩劫》

... 時的紀錄片,法國導演Claude Lanzmann為此花了11年時間,走訪14國拍下三百多小時片段。《大浩劫》 ...全文



... 詠嘆調的Marie-Claude Chappuis。即使在此曲,這個聲部是叫女低音,但最多只能稱Chappui ...全文


Bernanke, Trichet, Brown join PIMCO advisory board

... udes Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank from 2003 to 2011, and Gordon Brown, the British prime minister from 2007 to 2010. Other members include Ng Kok Song, who was group chi ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-08

Xi shows how to squeeze 114 names into a speech

...  Cézanne, Claude Monet, Gustave Flaubert and Romain Rolland; Italy’s Dante Alighieri and Giovanni Boccaccio; Spain’s Miguel de Cervantes; and America’s Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Jack London and Ernest ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-20

EU presents plan to distribute refugees across bloc

... dent Jean-Claude Juncker to help Greece, Italy and Hungary, the three countries on the front line of the crisis. “I do believe that given the gravity of the situation we face, this proposal is quite m ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-10

Germany urges EU partners to do more for refugees

... dent Jean-Claude Juncker is due to unveil new proposals on Wednesday on how to distribute refugees among member states. An EU source told Reuters that under his plan, Germany would take on more than 4 ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-08

Swiss banks step up focus on Asia wealth management

...  market," Claude Haberer, head of Swiss bank Pictet's wealth management business in Asia, was quoted as saying. "Asians are willing to try out a bank but you have to explain what you bring to the tabl ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-10

Greeks rally against austerity as EU steps up pressure

... dent Jean-Claude Juncker told Greeks that a "No" vote would be seen as signaling an exit from the euro. Despite the acrimony over the weekend, creditors said the door to negotiations remained open. Fr ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-30

China to invest in EU infrastructure fund: Li

... ion, Jean-Claude Juncker, and of the European Council of EU leaders, Donald Tusk, saying China was ready to invest in the EU's new 315 billion euro (US$353.5 billion) infrastructure fund. "China's dec ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-30

Greece lays out new proposals ahead of emergency summit

... dent Jean-Claude Juncker, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi and IMF head Christine Lagarde on Monday morning before meetings with eurozone leaders in the early afternoon. It was not immedia ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-22

China plans huge investment in EU infrastructure fund

... dent Jean-Claude Juncker, who faced scepticism last year when he proposed the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), because EU governments are putting in little seed money. France, Germany, I ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-15

Creditors propose to extend Greece bailout for nine months

... dent Jean-Claude Juncker last Wednesday, three people familiar with the negotiations said. “What we offered would mean that Greece is fully financed until March 2016,” one of the people said. The nine ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-09

EU chief rebukes Greece, demands swift debt plan

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker rebuked leftist Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and and warned that time was running out to conclude a debt deal to avert a damaging default. In u ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-08

Luxembourg PM makes EU history with same-sex marriage

...  for Jean-Claude Juncker, who now heads the European Commission in Brussels. Shortly after Luxembourg's parliament last year became the ninth EU legislature to clear the way for gay marriage, Bettel t ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-15

A blueprint for recovery of Greece

... dent Jean-Claude Juncker’s 315 billion euro (US$350 billion) investment plan with Greece’s private sector. Instead of being viewed as a fire sale to fill fiscal holes, privatization would be part of a ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-07

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