Voyager 2, a NASA probe launched in 1977 and designed for just a five-year mission, has become only the second human-made object to enter interstellar space as it continues its marathon trek billions ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-11
... 業獲得美國太空總署(NASA)合作研究獎金36萬美元。 Cellari德國另設數據庫 另外,開發人工智能圖像處 ...全文
... 樂園、美國太空總署(NASA)及短吻鱷他喜愛的元素。他表示,NASA在1960年代於佛州發射火箭,把太空人送到 ...全文
美國太空總署(NASA)火星探測器洞察號(InSight)經歷逾6個月太空旅程後,於香港時間周二凌晨3時47分 ...全文
... la與股東意見相左,NASA又因Musk在深夜節目吸食大麻而對SpaceX展開品格調查。 陰謀論一點,假如對家 ...全文
NASA’s Mars science lander InSight touched down safely on the surface of the Red Planet on Monday to begin its two-year mission as the first spacecraft designed to explore the deep interior of another ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-27
... 星。 美國太空總署(NASA)探索火星亦有新進展,旗下的洞察號(InSight)機械人探測器,經歷為期約7個月 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年11月27日
美國太空總署(NASA)「洞察號」(InSight),經6個月時間太空旅行,飛越5.48億公里後,將於明日登陸 ...全文
... e -- even NASA opened its API -- proving a development boom. Singapore is one step ahead. The country has already advocated to run the country by opening government information using API. There are tw ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-26
NASA’s first robotic lander designed to study the deep interior of a distant world hurtled closer to Mars on course for a planned touchdown on Monday after a six-month voyage through space, Reuters re ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-26
... 由農業部、太空總署(NASA)等13個聯邦政府部門和機構參與編製,指出隨着溫室氣體排放以歷史性速度上升,在本世 ...全文
... 我們反而用另一句話『Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa』,意謂『上帝有 ...全文
... 邀成為美國太空總署(NASA)研究冥王星的「新視野號」計劃成員,創立了推廣人類對小行星認識的「小行星日」,甚至 ...全文
... s, citing NASA. Currently orbiting the sun 94 million miles (156 million kilometers) from Earth, the spacecraft will drift further from our planet when mission engineers turn off its radio transmitter ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-31
... ce agency NASA and Russia’s space agency Roscosmos. The mishap occurred as the first and second stages of a Russian booster rocket separated shortly after the launch from Kazakhstan’s Soviet-era cosmo ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-12
... 代。自美國太空總署(NASA)所有穿梭機於2011年全面退役後,聯盟號太空船為現時唯一能運載太空人到國際太空站 ...全文
美國太空總署(NASA)於1977年,發射了太空探測器「航行者二號」(Voyager 2),探索太陽系各大行星 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年10月09日