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... a’s World City)之實。香港的「內向」已經一段長時間,但香港絕非「內向型」,香港的成功並非溫室培育 ...全文


From 3+4 to 0+7

... th in our city’s robustness as a regional hub. There, I said it. Loud and simple and clear. No more delays, no more waiting, no more excuses. For far too long, we have allowed our city to exist in a s ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-08

EY forum discovers potential of data,finance,ESG interconnection

...  a member city and armed with the “one country, two systems” advantage, Hong Kong plays a vital role in the GBA’s development. EY, along with Invest Hong Kong and Shenzhen Foundation for International ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-07

《權力遊戲》前傳破開播紀錄 《龍之家族》複雜關係解說

... 為「領都城守備隊」(city watch,國家安全部隊)首領的原因。然而,亦由於Daemon是領都城守備隊的統 ...全文



... 別易名為SPARK CITY俊薈長沙灣及SPARK CITY俊薈旺角,總投資額約3.5億元。 至於該集團早前斥 ...全文


How smart planning helps Hong Kong compete for talent

...  liveable city full of quality job opportunities. One expedient way of doing so is to encourage tech giants from China and overseas to move their headquarters to Hong Kong. This would help create a fa ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-06

Hong Kong new leader shouts his devotion to Xi from the rooftops

... asing the city’s housing shortage. But Hong Kong’s economic problems are largely the result of its anti-Covid policies. Lee recognizes the need for change, but is unsure how far he should go. Last mon ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-06

How HK sets the stage for next fintech revolution

...  that the city has been setting the stage for the next fintech revolution. With a wide range of initiatives designed to fast-track innovation as well as a solid foundation for fintech firms to scale, ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-05

Will reverse isolation work for cross-border travel?

... ne in the city before crossing the border. Who can forget China’s cruel three-week quarantine (two weeks in hotel and one week of home monitoring) until late June followed by the current enhanced vers ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-31


... 貝寧市(Benin City)強行運走的72件物品所有權,(現在)將移交給尼日利亞政府。」 博物館董事會主席E ...全文



... High-Tier city)具發展機遇;隨着各地樓市分化,集團聚焦高能級城市可提高效率、降低成本。 對於整體 ...全文


龍湖全年供貨4000億 料8月銷售恢復增長

... High-Tier city)具發展機遇;各地樓市分化,進一步聚焦高能級城市可提升效率降低成本。 對於整體房地 ...全文


Who wants to bid for Macao casino licences?

... oss of Suncity, the city’s biggest junket group, a day after Wenzhou accused him of “severe damage to the social order of the country” and involvement in cross-border gambling. Before the pandemic, VI ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-25

Who wants to bid for Macao casino licences?

... oss of Suncity, the city's biggest junket group, a day ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年08月25日

推動可持續發展 實踐永續生活 建構宜居宜業的綠色城市

... azon、IKEA及City Developments Limited等,幾乎各行各業都在推展減碳行動,向可持 ...全文


Landmark On Robson坐落黃金地段

... Vancouver City Centre)至溫哥華國際機場(Vancouver International ...全文



... 城(Redwood City)。 體育運動一向是該公司的鎮店之寶。前人未必明白箇中道理,但近來研究文化產業的學 ...全文


Our citizens deserve better than a one-way ticket

... ny in our city don’t see a way out of entrenched poverty, or hapless cycles of mindless, mundane and fundamentally unfulfilling work. So let’s diversify industries, ramp up genuinely progressive educa ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-19

Will two-dish rice sell in Pacific Place?

... me as the city had virtually closed the gate to mainland and international visitors unless they agreed to the inhumane quarantine that last as long as three weeks – and only as recent as last week cut ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-17

How EY supports corporates in igniting GBA opportunities

... rnational city in the GBA, Hong Kong is renowned for being a hub for international finance, shipping, trading and aviation. With its world-class professional services and the advantage of “one country ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-16

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