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近期筆者被不少長者問到:「肌肉流失了可以怎樣補救?」 首先,大家可以想像孩子在沙灘堆砌城堡的情景。他們會用海水 ...全文


Huawei flags 18% revenue growth for 2019, sees tough 2020

Chinese telecoms equipment giant Huawei Technologies expects its 2019 revenue to come in at around 850 billion yuan (US$121.7 billion), up 18 percent over the previous year but lower than the firm's e ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-31

How a China drone maker aims to make agriculture smarter

A drone farming revolution is on the way in China, a Guangzhou-based drone firm suggests, as it waxes eloquent on the benefits of drones that can help farmers monitor their crops better and also ensur ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-24

中國趨勢(08171) 須予披露的交易

中國趨勢(08171) 須予披露的交易 簽署FULL SMART ASIA LIMITED 20%股權轉讓協議 ...全文


新地Wetland Seasons Park料年內開賣

新地(00016)今年壓軸大盤天水圍Wetland Seasons Park昨日終獲批售樓紙,發展商料日內上載 ...全文


Wetland Seasons Park料日內上樓書

新地代理總經理胡致遠表示,新地(00016)旗下天水圍Wetland Seasons Park今日剛獲批售樓紙 ...全文


How location tech enhances understanding of complex issues

It is estimated that nearly 18 billion internet-enabled smart devices (including mobile phones, smart bracelets and home appliances) and sensors had been connected last year, and at the end of this ye ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-19

Apple, Amazon, Google forge partnership on smart home devices

Amazon.com Inc., Apple Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s Google are partnering to lay the groundwork for better compatibility among their smart home products, Reuters reports. Zigbee Alliance, whose members in ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-19

Turning silver into gold in elderly care business

The world is facing tremendous pressure from the silver generation or the over-60s demographic. But every risk presents an opportunity. Japan, for example, is showing the world how society should trea ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-18


香港面對人口老化問題,醫療需求殷切,發展智能醫療(Smart Healthcare)成為解決龐大需求的方法之一 ...全文


US exports to China to nearly double in trade deal: Lighthizer

The "phase one" US-China trade deal will nearly double American exports to China over the next two years and is “totally done” despite the need for translation and revisions to its text, US Trade Repr ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-16

明治食材拓B2B 與兩日式食肆研新菜單

近年愈來愈多日式食肆在港擴充業務,已進軍本港數十年的日企為了提升競爭力,積極與日本食材供應商合作研發新菜單,日 ...全文


AI專家回流創業 技術突破環境限制

本港科企華飛思(WildFaces)以「動攝」(On-the-Move)人臉識別專利技術,通過臨時擺放的智能手 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年12月13日

Wetland Seasons Park料聖誕假應市

新地(00016)今年的壓軸大盤天水圍Wetland Seasons Park,預料本月中可獲批售樓紙,有機會 ...全文


Xiaomi, Oppo eye new strategies as Huawei focuses on home market

The US ban on Huawei Technologies is having an indirect impact on other Chinese smartphone makers after the company started reallocating its resources to focus on the home market, which in turn has af ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-11


在漫威(Marvel)漫畫系列的Machine Man(1984年版)之中,2020年的世界已進入一個機械領域 ...全文



市場研究機構IDC最新數據顯示,今年第三季全球可穿戴設備出貨量達8450萬件,按年增長高達94.6%,並創下單 ...全文



創新及科技局局長楊偉雄出席立法會資訊科技及廣播事務委員會會議,就數碼港年度工作進展發言。他表示,數碼港的初創企 ...全文


Trump issues warning after North Korea claims major test

US President Donald Trump said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un risks losing “everything” if he resumes hostility and his country must denuclearize, after the North said it had carried out a “successfu ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-09

滙豐1800萬支援社區夥伴 惠及29萬人

滙豐(00005)自2012年推出「滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃」至今邁入第八年,計劃目的是希望透過地區公益活動,促進 ...全文


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