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菲大學畢業禮爆槍擊 前市長身亡疑遭行刺

菲律賓馬尼拉奎松市(Quezon City)的著名學府馬尼拉亞典耀大學(Ateneo de Manila Un ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年07月25日


... 城市(linear city)的構思,打造沒有汽車和零污染的環境,更指市民只需花5至20分鐘時間便可到達其他地 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年07月25日


... 先到Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery輕鬆地看個展覽,從Christmas ...全文


Mr. Brightside

... mopolitan city – one where financiers could rub shoulde ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年07月21日

NOVO LAND開示位 8000人次參觀

... 值3800元屯門V city商場贈券。 項目開放式至2房買家可選擇額外多1萬元售價折扣或家具獎勵積分回贈,若買 ...全文



新地會再度推出連串會員專屬參觀新地示範單位活動及禮遇,包括連續28日每周送出價值3800元V city商場贈券 ...全文


美料撲38度 六千萬人受煎熬

... 皮德城(Rapid City)周二打破在1934年創下的40度高溫紀錄。內布拉斯加州大部分地區或創單日高溫紀錄 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年07月20日

雅虎好集慣 推NFT做善事

雅虎香港旗下網上生活雜誌好集慣,推出首個非同質化代幣(NFT)項目City Frenchie,計劃將鑄造100 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年07月20日

Mr. Brightside

... mopolitan city – one where financiers could rub shoulders (if they wished to) with backpackers and tourists, and where international expatriates and local colleagues could mingle after work at non-soc ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-19

It's high time to end Hong Kong’s quarantine inanities

... lity as a city, and openness that serves as an integral component of Beijing’s vision for China to globalise and internalise. For the love of Jove, we must and can do better than accept Hong Kong’s fa ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-15

傳9月港掛牌 郁亮曾稱非為萬科撲水

... 服務「萬物梁行」及「City Up」,以及人工智能物聯網(AioT)與流程即服務(BpaaS)解決方案服務。去 ...全文



... 包括Liberty City Ventures、10T、Kingsway Capital、Alpha Wave ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年07月13日

Recession wrings out excesses

... visit one city and when to visit the other. Apart from the problem with simple averages, just like the cities referenced above, every market drawdown, financial crisis and recession is different. Even ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-11

高級匠藝食材 瀛風健康料理

... URA味蔵」。這店是city'super首間開設的正宗日式料理餐廳,雲集了不少日本高質素匠藝食材,如博多屋豆乳 ...全文



... 」(Bitcoin City)時曾稱,將把國家升級成為「國際金融中心」。 然而,半年過後,當地民眾並未有開始大 ...全文


凱柏峰I暫收逾3800票 超購15倍

... 巴士服務前往屯門V city,至2025年8月底。 HENLEY推「先住後付」促銷 恒地(00012)則新增「 ...全文


NOVO LAND基座商場預租率達七成

... 巴士服務前往屯門V city,至2025年8月底。 ...全文


Thailand chases Hong Kong talent, capital–and 'digital nomads'

... d-19, the city of Chiang Mai in the north of Thailand was one of the most popular digital nomad capitals of the world. It is the country’s second largest city, with 1.2 million people, situated in a m ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-05

Epidemic and 40-year-high inflation stalk HK migrants in UK

... n for the city council said that it had received more than 800 applications from Hong Kong children. “This has put unusual pressure on the number of places available. Pupils may not be able to obtain ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-30

Epidemic and 40-year-high inflation stalk HK migrants in UK

... n for the city council said that it had received more t ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年06月30日

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