... et由美國太空總署(NASA)前科學家創立,作為交易條件,Google將入股該公司,並簽訂多年服務合約,繼續使 ...全文
... 辭世。美國太空總署(NASA)對格倫逝世表示哀痛,讚揚他是真正美國英雄。 格倫在二次大戰及韓戰曾効力美軍,擔任 ...全文
... onauts in NASA's solo-flight Mercury program to venture into space, Glenn became more of a media fixture than the others and was known for his composure and willingness to promote the program. Glenn's ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-09
... in 1972, NASA's space exploration initiative has ground to a halt mainly due to its astronomical cost. After George W. Bush became president, he unleashed the “Constellation” program, under which he ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-08
... 些年,美國太空總署(NASA)的阿波羅計劃(Apollo Program)曾先後6次登月,不過耗資巨大,美國政 ...全文
... T,獲美國太空總署(NASA)批准使用甘迺迪太空中心長達5.18公里的穿梭機降落跑道試車,不知是否硬頂的風阻較 ...全文
... 7%。美國太空總署(NASA)稱,若錯過今次,便要到2034年才會出現大小相若的「超級月亮」。圖為「超級月亮」 ...全文
... military, NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration. Uber is already exploring self-driving technology, hoping to slash costs by eliminating the need for drivers in its core business of on-demand r ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-28
... 律禁止美國太空總署(NASA)與中國航天部門在載人太空項目方面展開合作,中美太空合作高度敏感,是次會議亦低調進 ...全文
... ce agency NASA's trouble as well, Reuters said. The planet's hostile environment has not detracted from its allure, with US President Barack Obama recently highlighting his pledge to send people to th ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-20
... and given NASA trouble as well. But a seemingly hostile environment has not detracted from the allure of Mars, with US President Barack Obama recently highlighting his pledge to send people to the pla ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-17
... ama said. NASA is coordinating with commercial space companies to develop "deep space habitat modules" and create opportunities for companies to use the International Space Station's docking port. Oba ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-12
我們在中秋前還抵受着攝氏33度的酷熱天氣,美國太空總署(NASA)也在9月中公布全球8月地表溫度,不但打破過去 ...全文
... dozens of NASA and commercial satellite missions on its launch schedule. The company has a second launch site at California's Vandenberg Air Force Base, and it has also leased one of the old space shu ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-02
... 下來的美國太空總署(NASA)及商業衞星發射任務安排。 管轄卡納維拉爾角空軍基地的美軍代表稱,事故無威脅公眾安 ...全文
... 實驗由美國太空總署(NASA)資助,屬夏威夷太空探險仿真模擬計劃的一部分,是繼俄羅斯之前一項長達520天的任務 ...全文