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Beyond Meat裁65人 再降年度收入預測

美國人造肉生產商Beyond Meat公布,因應產品銷情欠佳,裁減65名非生產部門僱員,裁員人數佔集團總人手8 ...全文


Stay in the game: Investing in a late-cycle world

... naturally Beyond certain fixed income opportunities, our favored investments for late-cycle portfolios include global natural capital. Farmland, timberland and agribusiness typically offer steady, lon ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-31

The importance of sub-national diplomacy to Sino-US relations

... t HKU and beyond – under the auspices of climate-oriented Track Two initiatives – will indubitably prove to be vital in injecting some signs of vitality and hope into the moribund Sino-US dynamic. Cli ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-30


... 23日),主辦方以「Beyond Representation」為主題,期望為旅客帶來新體驗。 怪獸氣球 來 ...全文


Navigating through fintech regulatory resilience in Hong Kong

... , operate beyond regulatory reach. Importance and challenges of complying with the travel rule To better deal with the volatility of the digital asset sector, there is a need for industry players to m ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-11


... 她舉例,作為素食產品Beyond Meat及Green Common的早期投資者,酒店集團已採用相關產品,亦有 ...全文


Thinking fast and slow: On Hong Kong as a tourist hub

...  Asia and beyond mainland China, where many alternative sources of employment for hospitality workers can be and are increasingly found. Yet there’s more to this. For one, Hong Kong must reckon with t ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-10

Designing a marketing value chain that yields payoffs

... ncession. Beyond grants and subsidies, however, businesses can keep costs at bay in the face of rapid inflation, simply by making a few marketing workflow adjustments and incorporating new solutions i ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-10

Hong Kong must brace itself for the era of geopolitics

... must look beyond our conventional partners and associates. It is fair to say that there is simply no way for our city to disentangle our ties completely when it comes to the proverbial West. The US, t ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-09

港首個虛擬深海館 2025年落戶航天城

新世界(00017)旗下K11集團昨宣布與美國Falcon's Beyond成立合資公司,創製全港首個虛擬深海 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2023年10月03日


K11集團與國際級娛樂科技體驗集團Falcon’s Beyond宣布成立合資公司,結合雙方在文化零售及科技創新 ...全文



... 的華為合唱團,一起唱Beyond《光輝歲月》國語版,「同心聚力,共創新境」,滿天星光。 頭皮發麻。香港文化力! ...全文



... oks & Beyond Reading Club,主要提供免費英文閱讀課程給兒童,創辦人郭佩賢(Ba ...全文


實驗室革命 未來試管肉

... 年勇,包括規模最大的Beyond Meat。引述《彭博商業週刊》資料,該公司於2019年上市時,迎來金融海嘯後 ...全文


The Dangers of Groupthink

... above and beyond lamenting. Challenging groupthink - encouraging folks to break out of the mold of being ‘sheep’ held captive by lazy, domineering, and unapologetically unnuanced narratives - is cruci ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-18

As China’s economy drags, the rest of Asia offers hope

... products. Beyond these exporters of industrial products, the region that should be suffering the most from China's slowdown, given its trade integration, is Southeast Asia, but this does not seem to h ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

How global currencies end

... umstances beyond its control. To a significant extent, the twentieth-century history of global currency status is a history of the British pound sterling, the leading global currency of the preceding ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

4港大生求情 官問「誰毀他們未來」
感激刺警案 指被告前途光明判罰感難過

... 情撮要十分難懂,是「beyond help(無藥可救)」。案件下周三再訊,屆時料會處理首被告張敬生的求情。 ...全文


港大學生會案求情 官:被告前途光明 判罰感難過

... 案情撮要十分難懂,「beyond help(無藥可救)」。 ...全文


Salute! To the unsung heroes

... above and beyond their remit, in undertaking challenging tasks ranging from rescuing folks stranded amidst surging and rough seas, flotsam, and at risk of drowning, to breaking into and retrieving fol ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-11

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