一項數據顯示,投資者過去一周撤走美股基金金額,創下有紀錄以來最高。 追蹤美國基金資金流向的Lipper指出,1 ...全文
Solar energy has long been a key priority in bringing electricity to Africa’s rural, and largely off-grid, communities. Stakeholders in solar development have ranged from large development agencies li ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-03
US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the central bank’s policy rate is now “just below” estimates of a level that neither brakes nor boosts a healthy US economy, comments that many investors ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-29
迪士尼周四收市後公布業績時,趁機推銷拓展網上影片市場的策略,行政總裁艾格(Bob Iger)宣布,明年底面世的 ...全文
英國王儲查理斯下周三慶祝七十大壽,他於昨晚播出的英國廣播公司(BBC)紀錄片稱,如果繼位為國皇,將不會再大肆議 ...全文
全球經濟出現轉向,人口結構轉變及科技發展正驅使世濟核心從西方轉移到新經濟國家。同時,通向自由及公平貿易的道路似 ...全文
港股大起大落,恒生指數在上周五飆逾千點後,昨日一度瀉超過700點,收市仍跌551點。影響未來股市格局的重要事件 ...全文
China will lower import tariffs and continue to broaden market access, President Xi Jinping said on Monday at the opening of a week-long trade expo seen as an attempt by Beijing to counter mounting cr ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-05
國泰航空及港龍航空日前爆出外洩客人資料,約940萬位乘客的個人資料曾被不當取覽。英國律師事務所SPG Law公 ...全文
Former US President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were among the targets of suspected package bombs delivered to several high-profile Democrats and CNN, which the FBI said ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-25
Just one year ago, Chinese leaders were still very assertive and eagerly bragging about China’s various achievements through state propaganda apparatuses. These included the documentary film "Amazing ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-18
TOM Group (02383.HK) has been transforming its business model from a media company to an investment platform focusing on emerging technologies and applications. WeLab could be one of its most successf ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-16