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...  the deep blue sea(進退維谷)的最佳寫照。 港獨分子以港英殖民旗幟上的龍獅為圖騰,游蕙禎去信 ...全文


What's the real story behind the yuan manipulation?

... nds of US blue-collar workers their jobs. His “China threat” rhetoric resonated with tens of millions of voters. However, has Trump told the public the whole truth about China's manipulation of its cu ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-24

網絡安全變化多 服務商併購求存

... 6.5億美元收購對手Blue Coat,不單讓公司擴大了服務範圍,也帶來了一位新領導人。 這麼頻繁地收購肯定會 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年11月24日

Terry Gou to follow in Trump’s footsteps?

... h the pan-blue and pan-green camps. For example, Shen Fu-Hsiung, a leading politician in the pan-green camp, has openly supported Gou to be the next president. Tsai's poor performance is also a key fa ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-23


... 6.5億美元收購同業Blue Coat。LifeLock為普通用戶及中小企提供防止身份被盜的服務,包括監察及提 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年11月22日

Park faces impeachment calls as prosecutors see collusion

... sidential Blue House denied the allegations. “The results announced by the prosecutors’ office are not true and are based on speculation and imagination,” Park’s spokesman Jung Youn-kuk said in a brie ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-21

沙吞區金融地段 先天得利

... 名的藍象烹飪學校( Blue Elephant Cooking School),現時1及2樓經營餐廳,3樓為學 ...全文


How the US election polls got it so wrong

Donald Trump's stunning victory not only came as a bolt from out of the blue for Hillary Clinton but also for traditional pollsters and the mainstream media as well. According to almost every major po ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-15


... 衣》(Famous Blue Raincoat)此首書信體抒情歌中,有兩個男人及一個女人,而此信寫給一個男人, ...全文


Singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen dies at 82

... e, Famous Blue Raincoat and The Future, an apocalyptic 1992 recording in which he darkly intoned: "I've seen the future, brother/It is murder." The inspiration for So Long, Marianne was Cohen's longti ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-11

The secrets behind Donald Trump's victory

... ny former blue-collar workers in these states who lost their jobs consider themselves victims of globalization and Trump succeeded in taking advantage of their discontent and resentment with his prote ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-11


... 3及Hua Hin Blue Lagoon都是由該公司開發的。酒店項目方面,多間國際酒店如The Westin ...全文


掌握環球時區 旅行家腕錶

... MT Aurora Blue腕錶的誕生。 錶盤設計看似複雜,其實亦是採用了最原始的兩地時區顯示,外錶圈只是自 ...全文



... 哈理斯成立了藍創投(Blue Ventures),藍創投是一家以科學為本的社會企業,主要以把沿海社區轉型,旨在 ...全文


Why China's blue-collar workers should be worried

Take a look at the one of KUKA’s latest videos promoting its small robot series and you will be amazed at how good they have become. The machine highlights its two killer features -- extreme speed and ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-03


... 蔡崇信管理個人財富的Blue Pool Capital,計劃向Torq注入資金。 市傳Blue Pool Ca ...全文


Is Hong Kong's retail sector on the mend?

... me out of blue and is a "headache" for Hong Kong's cosmetic retailers. While the strong results from I.T. and Sa Sa cannot be really taken as proof ofrecovery of their Hong Kong businesses, there are ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-01

Lau Siu-lai hit with shoe during outdoor forum

... wearing a blue cap with the logo of pro-Beijing group Defend Hong Kong Campaign. The group's chairman, Fu Chun-chung, said he had met the man two days earlier but denied he is member of his organizati ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-31

How Chen Lihua became China's richest woman

... hen has a blue-blood background. But at the time of her birth, the Manchu Qing dynasty had already collapsed. Yet, her family still owned some valuable antique furniture. The story goes that Chen had ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-28

三地混血 兼收並蓄

... 包括JBL Pro Blue系列、McIntosh電子管前級擴音器,以及從日本訂製的旋轉混音器、Klipsch ...全文


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