
共 2064 個結果
頁數:1...75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 ...104

Why Brexit won't benefit those who chose it

... en by the blue-collar workers of England's North and Midlands, who have long felt alienated from their political leaders, left behind by globalization, and marginalized by its perceived agent, the EU. ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-31

How e-commerce is driving China consumption growth

... on of the Blue Book of China’s Commercial Sector by Fung Business Intelligence and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences maps the change. China’s retail market reached 30 trillion yuan (US$4.6 trilli ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-29

翡翠公主號 帶你擁抱紐西蘭

... 全世界最小的藍企鵝(Blue Penguin)的企鵝館和溫度設為零下20多度的模擬極地館。丹尼丁(Dunedi ...全文


To buy or not to buy a copycat: That is the moral question

... 0 but the blue handkerchief from the street sells for HK$25 for three pieces, according to the Chinese paper. The blue product comes from Hubei while the red one has no origin. But has anyone taken an ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-25

Shenzhen-HK Stock Connect: Picking likely winners

... ompanies. Blue chips, especially banking plays, have so far been the favorite of these investors. However, they’ve also demonstrated a growing tendency for increasing their investments in small and m ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-23


... 為3類:其一是藍水(blue water),即地表及地下的淡水存量;其二是綠水(green water),即自 ...全文



... ter)及「藍水」(blue water)的概念就形成了──「綠水」指看不見的水資源,那是經由地表及植物蒸發的 ...全文


千錘百煉 百年結晶

... 分獨家的Royal Blue和經典紅寶石色,以及枱燈、花瓶、蠟燭枱等組件倒轉、重配,迎合現代生活所着重的靈活性 ...全文


Shoot the analysts – if you dare

... ct as the blue-chip trading house saw its stock drift to new lows in the past three years. Still, for many get it right and are treated like kings by their bosses and investors, there are also others ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-11

托馬斯.豪斯雅戈(Thomas Houseago)作品展

Thomas Houseago, Psychedelic Brother III— — Blue 2016 A ...全文


Why mid-August is a good time to take profit

... s of some blue-chip state-owned stocks after the market shifted to laggard plays from risk-on and high-dividend stocks. They could stay in the market for a while given sufficient liquidity. Tencent Ho ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-02

騎士.漁夫.軍人 冬日陽剛男兒

... 色色調 Total Blue醉藍系列以純粹藍色為設計主題, 外衣與針織品多採用海軍藍、午夜藍等藍色系為主基調。 ...全文



... mnity和The Blue Dahlia。希治閣聘請他寫《火車怪客》(Strangers on a Trai ...全文


藍神秀 回歸原始快樂

... 音樂表演《藍神秀》(Blue Man Group),表演中他們全身塗上藍漆,跳舞奏樂,不靠語言就能帶動觀眾情緒 ...全文


When manners no longer maketh man

... wathes of blue collar workers have lost their employment, victims of the manufacturing industries which, unable or unwilling to compete with Asian production costs, have closed down. China is demonize ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-26

Another commuter gets away with smoking inside MTR station

... shirt and blue jeans was seen smoking while walking along the concourse on the way to a bakery near Exit B of the station, Apple Daily reports. A passerby surnamed Tam notified an MTR staffer while a ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-22


... 了問題。 加拿大勁隊Blue Jays出賽,4人在開波前輪唱加拿大國歌O Canada,輪到成員Remigio ...全文


伊斯坦布爾:一沙一世界 一花一天堂

...  第一是藍色清真寺(Blue Mosque,又稱藍廟)。藍色清真寺原名蘇丹艾哈邁德清真寺(Sultan Ahm ...全文


Guess who's worrying about the hot property market

... nts in 10 blue-chip developments plunged sharply by 25 to 85 percent. In short, it's back to a sellers' market with buyers rushing to snap up units with little or no discount at all. This should be go ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-18

Online spoof contest triggers outpouring of apologies to China

... sky is so blue.” It was, of course, a dig at the serious air pollution in many of China's urban centers. Soon other entries from Taiwanese netizens poured in. “I apologize for having '6' and '4' on my ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-18

頁數:1...75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 ...104

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