
共 2063 個結果
頁數:1...82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ...104

World's largest blue star sapphire found in Sri Lanka

The world's largest blue star sapphire has been discovered in a mine in Sri Lanka, BBC News reported. The gem weighs 1,404.49 carats, the news network quoted experts from the gemology institute in the ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-05

Trading halted for first time as China stock markets tumble 7%

... fect. The blue-chip CSI300 index declined 7 percent to 3,470.41 points, while the Shanghai Composite Index fell 6.9 percent to 3,296.66. Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index was pulled down 3 percent in respon ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-04

Eat This: Misokatsu in Nagoya

...  galactic blue of Oasis 21’s observation deck after dusk. Right beside it is the Aichi Arts Center, where you can get tickets for the fine arts museum or watch a show in the performing arts theater. V ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-31

Japan’s big banks ramping up foreign M&A lending

...  going to blue-chip companies with higher investment grades. “As dollar funding costs rise, financing for deals is more profitable than normal lending,” he said. With its financial strength, Mitsubish ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-30

How state agencies are losing out to private firms in space race

... ompetitor Blue Origin, founded by Amazon chairman Jeff Bezos, accomplished the same feat with its reusable suborbital launch vehicles. The payload of SpaceX's Falcon 9 v1.1 rocket is 13,150 kilograms, ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-29

Tiffany Love幸福曲奇

... 是以Tiffany Blue為禮盒主調,Tiffany Blue源自綠松石的顏色,綠松石象徵忠誠信任,並可帶來 ...全文


太空私企跑贏國企 科技肥貓有益人類

... ,SpaceX的勁敵Blue Origin公司同樣成功地首次回收了它的次軌道(suborbital)火箭的第一 ...全文


China economy: What lies ahead in 2016?

China's economic growth is expected to moderate to the 6.6-6.8 percent range next year, according to a "blue paper" from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). The world's second largest econo ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-25

[Hong Kong's Top Story 2015] White Washed

... r and sky-blue eyes. The two ten year olds bonded over a game of Frisbee at gym class, a pastime unknown to him back in Hong Kong. Yet Brad would only be friends with him on one condition. "Stop eatin ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-24

[Hong Kong's Top Story 2015] Balance

... n’s light-blue eyes, but hers were filled with innocence that Callen had lost a long time ago. “Go back to sleep, Misty,” Callen said softly. The little girl obeyed. Ty watched the exchange in shock. ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-24

[Hong Kong's Top Story 2015] Don’t Think

... held up a blue ring file. Yes, he nodded, smiling boyishly. Of course. The minutes to the meeting. Of course he did. That was what he came for, actually. How did she know? That was exactly what he cam ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-24

[Hong Kong's Top Story 2015] Balanced Rock

The engines sputtered and hummed as the ferry treaded the pristine waters toward Tap Mun Island. The sky was blanketed in a brilliant blue and clumps of white clouds moved over the sunbaked mountain r ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-24

[Hong Kong's Top Story 2015] A Different Kind of Balancing

... ellow and blue at the same time. I was happy and miserable at the same time. Around those days, Mom was doing tons of overtime and looking black in the face whenever she was home. She did not really t ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-24

Santa Joseph is coming to town

... .03-carat blue rock and named it "Blue Moon of Josephine". In another deal, he spent HK$222.3 million on a 16-carat pink sparkler that he christened "Sweet Josephine". All this generous spending came ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-24

升空技術反先宿敵Blue Origin

... 回收的難度亦遠較宿敵Blue Origin上次回收高得多,反映SpaceX創辦人兼行政總裁馬斯克(Elon M ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年12月23日

How a Hello Kitty health clinic aims to put you in the pink

... rs white, blue and pink to create a friendly and warm atmosphere. We hope that the kids and their parents who come here will have a positive experience. Even if you're not here to enjoy the service, w ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-22


...  經典的Light Blue則以享受地中海夏日景致為主題,專屬熱愛陽光與海灘的男士。香氛基調糅合杜松、佛手柑、 ...全文


Go therefore to Yuen Long and be the salt of the earth

... salt, and blue Persia salt. I sat by the window, enjoying the grilled tiger prawns lying on a brick of Himalayan crystal salt. It occurred to me that Yuen Long is not quite far away, only about 40 min ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-19

Japan deploys missiles in island chain to hold China in check

... an-going "blue water" navy capable of defending the country's growing global interests. To be sure, there is nothing to stop Chinese warships from sailing through under international law, but they wil ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-18


... 的「藍籌掉期滙率」(blue chip swap rate)則在14.05披索左右。 財長普拉特加伊(Alfo ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年12月18日

頁數:1...82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ...104

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