... ke Gmail, YouTube or Maps – all victims of the ban. Huawei pressed ahead with the launch regardless, betting that the Mate 30’s design and hardware would still win fans. “This is the best-performing s ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-20
... 亦應善用新興媒體(如YouTube和Facebook等)作宣傳教育平台,加強訊息的傳達,以鼓勵市民改變原有的生 ...全文
... 的想像和決定(可以上YouTube搜尋「HenHen TV:一生只能玩一次的心理測驗」)。 結果準不準確?勉強 ...全文
... 號碼則是限制存取。 YouTube違兒童隱私罰13億 fb表示,有關資料已經從網上刪除,而且沒有證據顯示該等賬 ...全文
Google, which is owned by Alphabet Inc., and its YouTube video service will pay US$170 million to settle allegations that it broke federal law by collecting personal information about children, Reuter ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-05
美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)公布,搜尋引擎谷歌旗下YouTube同意支付1.7億美元(13.26億港元),作為 ...全文
... f several YouTube stars last week. The hack underscored potential vulnerabilities in the social media platform, which is widely used by world leaders and politicians, including US President Donald Tru ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-02
... 只能讀先生書,今天託YouTube的福,我更可在網上瞻仰當年諸君子的高清丰神風采,那不只是illustrato ...全文
... 易委員會(FTC)對YouTube違反保護兒童私隱法例的調查。 根據報道,FTC 5名委員以3對2票數,通過與 ...全文
... er rules. YouTube has blocked 210 videos believed to be smearing the anti-extradition bill movement in Hong Kong. Why are these Western social media platforms cracking down on the fake accounts and pa ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-28