由於一齣電影,我愛上了一首老歌,並且在去年十月的冰島之旅,無時無刻不哼起此曲之旋律。電影是與冰島有關的《發夢王 ...全文
Faced with sluggish economic growth, Indonesia is working on a major revamp of its rules on foreign investment. The changes could open the door for overseas companies to take bigger stakes in domestic ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-14
大衞寶兒多首名曲中,Space Oddity最為著名,是他1969年推出的歌曲,也是其成名作。歌曲講述一個虛構 ...全文
A股在2016年首個交易日即暴跌7%觸發停市,熔斷機制(停市機制)被視為元兇之一,中證監速速發文稱「要不斷完善 ...全文
我是發夢王,所以經常游手好閒看電影,只怪電影工作者總有辦法讓人睜開眼睛跌進夢鄉;即使電影太爛,悶到瞌起雙眼睡着 ...全文
2016年這麼快便已來臨,在此祝各位新年進步,心想事成,自己則希望每日能在空氣中與外孫兒見面,每晚能帶着微笑入 ...全文
我叫戈騰(Tom Grimmer),曾是百富勤投資的傳訊部主管,當年留守到公司倒閉前的最後一刻,現職是滙壹顧問 ...全文
When Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan recently announced their plan to devote some US$45 billion in Facebook shares toward making the world a better place, some critics wro ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-30
一、 七、八十年代勤寫投資理論及投機活動,曾數度評介、引述樂飛費《一個股票炒家憶往》(E. Lefevre: ...全文
This year has been a period of stimulus for China's economy. 2016 will be the same as well. The central bank has cut interest rates multiple times. It has injected liquidity to offset capital outflows ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-18
昨日公布的TSA報告指不論小三、小六還是中三學生,中文、英文和數學3科的成績,在過去6年均表現平穩,但部分學生 ...全文
Douglas Tompkins, founder of North Face Inc. and noted conservationist, has died after a kayaking accident in his adopted country of Chile. He was 72. Tompkins died Dec. 8 from hypothermia after falli ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-10
Add another achievement to Hong Kong's impressive curriculum vitae as an international financial center. The city stands to regain its ranking this year as the world's No. 1 spawning ground for initia ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-08
上周美股大幅波動,但隨着美國息口前景明朗化,美國聯儲局下周勢將加息,加上勞工市場強勁和油價低迷這兩大利好美國經 ...全文
A Hong Kong rugby player is desperately looking for a man who caught him on a dash cam being knocked down by a speeding car in Jordan. Tom McQueen took to Facebook to reach out to the man after seeing ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-04
The owner of playgroup operator Bambini Republic, which suddenly closed all of its five outlets in Hong Kong in late November, was arrested by customs officers on Monday, Sing Tao Daily reported. Tom ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-01